How to properly care for it

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What dwarf lilacs are there?

There are two different types of dwarf lilac available commercially. Syringa meyeri is most similar to the real lilac, Syringa vulgaris, and also blooms at the same time. Popular sorts are 'Palibin' (light purple flowers), 'Red Pixie' (pink flowers) and 'Josee' (lilac-pink flowers). Syringa microphylla 'Superba', on the other hand, bears its German name, 'Kleinblättriger Herbstflieder', not without reason: This variety has the longest flowering time of all lilacs and often shows its splendor a second time from the summer months Times.

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Diverse uses

At a High trunk it is a shrub that has been raised to a tree, which instead of many shoots has only one main shoot and a spreading crown. Such a lilac tree has an unbeatable advantage over conventional shrubs: It requires significantly less space and is therefore very good in buckets to be cultivated. You can also plant the hardy sapling in the garden, for example

  • as an eye-catcher in the front yard
  • several trunks as flanking the main path
  • as a solitaire, for example in the middle of a lawn
  • as the central focus in the perennial garden

Plant and care for dwarf lilac tall trunks correctly

At the plants and Maintain The procedure for the high trunk is the same as for a normal lilac bush, the needs are the same. Only with specimens cultivated in pots do you have to exercise more caution, they have to regularly supplied with water and nutrients and also repotted in a larger container every two years will. In addition, a tall trunk needs significantly more pruning so that it stays in shape and does not suddenly turn into a shrub again. Runners have to be removed regularly, digging them up and cutting them off directly at the base - otherwise there will be more and more. The crown is also to be thinned out annually and in shape cut.


If you do not want to buy a ready-made dwarf lilac stem, you can, for example, raise a cutting yourself to become a standard stem. If you want to go faster, a dwarf lilac shoot can also be placed on a suitable surface - for example Syringa vulgaris - refine.