Ficus Ginseng is losing leaves

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Why is my Ficus Ginseng losing its leaves?

Leaves can be lost for very different reasons, especially when it comes to sensitive plants like Ficus Ginseng. Many of them are in the care to be found, for example when adding fertilizer or watering, others are justified by the location.

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The Ficus Ginseng reacts quite sensitively to abrupt changes in location or temperature, to lack of light or drafts. Waterlogging can also cause the leaves to fall, as can a lack of water. Even so, the ficus is not very difficult to care for. Above all, it is important not to expect any drastic changes and do not water it with lime-rich water, because it does not like that at all.

The main reasons for leaf loss:

  • Lack of light, especially in winter
  • Drafts
  • Heating air that is too dry or warm
  • abrupt change in location or temperature
  • sunburn
  • Lack of water or nutrients
  • Waterlogging

What can I do if I lose a leaf?

An evergreen plant like de Ficus Ginseng also loses a few leaves from time to time, but you should react promptly to excessive leaf loss. Check that first Earth dryness or waterlogging. If the ficus suffers from dryness, then water it; if it is too wet, this will help Repot in fresh dry Potting soil with only sparing pouring on.

Then take a careful look at the location of your Ficus Ginseng as well. If it is too warm or too cold, adjust the temperature. If your Ficus Ginseng is not getting enough light, move it to a lighter place. Avoid too strong changes, however, slow getting used to the bay fig (this is also what the ficus ginseng is called) gets much better.

How can I prevent leaf loss in the future?

In the future, treat your Ficus Ginseng to a bright location without drafts or direct sunlight. Sunburn can also cause leaves to fall off. A summer freshness in the garden or on the balcony strengthens the immune system, a slightly increased humidity also strengthens your ficus. The bay fig can hibernate well at normal room temperature, but a somewhat cooler winter dormancy is often good for the plant.

Ideal site conditions for the laurel fig:

  • lots of light but no direct sun
  • no drafts
  • medium to high humidity
  • Temperature between 18 ° C and 22 ° C, in winter also between 12 ° C and 16 ° C, never below 10 ° C


Even an evergreen plant like Ficus Ginseng has to renew its foliage every now and then, so a certain loss of leaves is not a cause for concern.