Increase dragon pasture »This is how you grow new trees

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Is it possible to sow the dragon willow?

The dragon willow usually grows as a shrub or small tree. Like other willows, it bears velvety flowers in spring, the pussy willow. Their pollen is an important source of food for insects and bees. One sowing from dragon pastures is not possible.

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How do I increase the dragon willow?

The propagation of dragon willow is done with the help of so-called cuttings. These are lignified shoot pieces without leaves from the previous year. Cuttings (leafy and half woody shoots) are just as unsuitable as older shoots that have poor roots. Ideally, cut your cuttings in autumn or in winter during the vegetation break. At this time you can do the regular pruning straight away.

Propagation through cuttings

Cut some cuttings about 8 inches long from leafless, already lignified shoots. You are welcome to use the clippings from the winter pruning for this. Your cuttings should have four to five eyes (buds). Mix equal parts of sand and ordinary garden soil.

Now stick the pieces of wood so deep into the earth-sand mixture that only the top bud can be seen. All others are in the substrate. The roots of your dragon pasture should develop from these eyes. Alternatively, you can place your cuttings in a container with water until the first tender roots have formed.

The higher the ambient temperature, the faster your cuttings will take root. Cut the top just above the top one eye then the dragon willow forms several shoots and gets a beautiful shape right from the start.

The essentials in brief:

  • Cut 20 cm long cuttings
  • Ideally, cut wood on both sides, this promotes the formation of shoots
  • It is essential to insert the cuttings into the earth the right way round
  • higher temperatures ensure faster rooting


In a very mild winter, you can also have your cuttings rooted directly in the garden. It will then take a little longer for the first roots to form.