Compatibility with other plants

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Causes of the intolerance to other plants

The main problem is that the leaves of the walnut secrete juglone. This is a germ-inhibiting substance. This is washed out by the rain and gets into the ground. There it behaves like a herbicide.

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In addition, the roots of the walnut also release specific inhibitors. These slow down the growth of the plants under the walnut tree.

Aside from these basic causes, there are still two potential obstacles:

  • The roots of the walnut tree sometimes soak up all the water.
  • The dense canopy of leaves provides plenty of shade - a lack of light is counterproductive.

What else speaks against underplanting

Of course, it is no fun to operate the falling autumn leaves of the walnut tree out of a plantation every year.

And also with the Harvest the fruits Nobody feels like rummaging through other plants.

These two aspects clearly speak against trying underplanting. But…

How an underplanting of walnuts can succeed

In practice, there are several cases in which other plants thrive quite well under a walnut tree - although perhaps not quite optimally.

It is important to pay increased attention to the underplanting. From the choice to the care of the plants, there are a number of things that need to be carefully planned and implemented sensibly.

Characteristics of suitable plants for the walnut

The underplanting of a walnut

  • has to cope with tannins and inhibitors,
  • must not get too high and
  • should love partially shaded to shady locations.

Therefore, among others, the following are suitable:

  • Wood anemone (bloom in spring before the walnut throws too much shade)
  • Bergenia (very compatible with salt)
  • Ferns (preferably robust varieties such as Worm fern or ostrich fern)
  • Funkia (shade-loving, but absolutely must be planted in pots to keep out inhibitors)
  • Evergreen (robust and ground covering)

Important maintenance measures

It is crucial to choose plants that do not interfere with the peculiarities of the walnut (see examples above). In addition, you should always remove fallen leaves immediately so that the germ-inhibiting substances cannot spread. And: Make sure that the underplanting can always absorb enough water and nutrients.


An older walnut tree has a better chance that other plants will grow and thrive well.