This is how the cultivation works

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The hemp palm is dioecious

the Hemp palm is dioecious. That means you need a male and a female plant to grow yourself Seeds to harvest for growing.

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Male and female hemp palms differ in the color of the blossoms. Male specimens have golden yellow flowers, female flowers are light green. Only when the female flowers are pollinated can seeds develop in them. You can pollinate yourself with a brush.

The seeds ripen from December to January. Let them dry on the palm until they can be shaken off. You can then use them to grow new hemp palms.

Growing from seeds - step by step

  • Pots with Potting soil to fill
  • Allow seeds to soak for 24 hours
  • possibly roughen with sandpaper
  • Sow seeds
  • Cover thinly with soil
  • Keep the substrate moist
  • Keep pots as warm as possible

A lot of patience is required

It can take a year for a seed to germinate. Only then do the delicate cotyledons appear. Until you have grown a real hemp palm, you have to plan for another three to four years.

How to continue caring for the seedlings

Once the seedling has reached a height of at least four inches, plant it in a larger pot.

The substrate must now be nice and loose. Mixtures of compost, garden soil, some peat and small-grain gravel have proven effective.

Water the seedlings regularly. Fertilize you shouldn't use them for the first few years, as they get their nutrients from the husks of the seeds.

The young plants are not hardy and have to be in the bucket overwintered will. The young hemp palms are only robust enough to be outdoors when they are at least four years old planted out to become.


You can also get seeds for hemp palms from specialized gardeners. It is often safer to grow new plants from purchased seeds as they are guaranteed to be fertilized and will actually germinate.