Toxic or harmless? (Weeping fig)

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Slightly toxic to children

A Benjamini contains phytochemicals such as flavonoids and furocoumarins. These trigger symptoms of poisoning when consumed. While the toxic dose is not reached in an adult due to the bitter taste, a baby or toddler is more at risk. It is enough to lick off a leaf and put it in your mouth to trigger the following symptoms:

  • nausea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Vomit
  • dizziness
  • diarrhea

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  • Is Ficus benjamina toxic to cats?
  • Ficus benjamini is losing green leaves - what to do?
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If you suspect that your baby has eaten the leaves, please consult your pediatrician immediately. Take some leaves with you as a sample so that the doctor can immediately take the correct countermeasures.

Extremely toxic to pets

While the ingredients of a weeping fig are classified as slightly toxic to humans, this is not the case for pets. Dogs, Cats and rodents suffer from considerable symptoms of poisoning and even respiratory paralysis after ingesting the smallest amounts of leaves.

Therefore, please choose a location out of the reach of animals or opt for a harmless alternative as a houseplant. Never use weeping fig clippings as green fodder for rabbits.


Before pruning a Ficus benjamina, please take precautions against the sticky milky juice. Put on gloves and old clothes, as possible stains are almost indelible. Ideally cut Put a weeping fig back in the garden to protect work surfaces and floors from irreversible soiling.

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