How much water does the Schlumbergera need?

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Watering during the growth phase

From the end of the flowering period to the end of September, the Christmas cactus is only watered when the substrate above is two to three centimeters dry. Do the thumb test!

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Water so that the root ball is completely moistened once and can then dry off again.

Water the Christmas cactus during the flowering period

From November until the end of the Heyday water the Christmas cactus regularly so that the root ball is always slightly damp. But never leave water in the coaster.

Water very moderately during the break

In October, turn the Christmas cactus darker so that many flowers develop. During this time, the plant is only moderately watered. The root ball should only be moistened, but should not dry out completely.

Place the Christmas cactus outside in a protected place

The Christmas cactus likes to be outdoors in summer. However, you have to protect it from too much moisture from rainwater. It is best to place it under a ledge. Do not use coasters or planters that could trap water.

If it is very dry in summer, check that the root ball is still moist enough and water accordingly.


When watering and spraying Christmas cacti, you should use rainwater whenever possible. Tap water with a low calcium content is also possible. If the water is too hard, boil it or let it stand for at least a week.

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