Find the ideal time to plant

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The right time to plant perennials

Most perennials want to be planted in autumn, between September and October - in the first few weeks of the “third season”. Planting at this time makes sense for the following reasons:

  • The perennials have already completed their above-ground growth.
  • The roots of the plants can continue to grow in the warm soil.

also read

  • Hardy perennials: when to plant?
  • Planting perennials in autumn - instructions and tips
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These conditions offer the perennials ideal conditions to prepare well for spring. Ideally, temperatures will stay mild for a long time until winter arrives. There should also be sufficient rainfall.

Attention: We recommend that you plant your perennials by mid-October at the latest. If you start planting in late October or even in November, it is likely that the roots will not be able to stabilize enough to survive the winter unscathed. So don't hesitate too long. If in doubt, it is better to wait until spring. Speaking of ...

When to plant perennials in spring

Aside from missing the right moment in autumn, there are other reasons for planting the perennials in spring. In this context, plants that are particularly sensitive to frost should be mentioned. This includes, among other things, certain types of lily. Such perennials can start life much healthier if they do not have to deal with the cold in the first few months. In short, you allow frost-sensitive perennials to grow and thrive more relaxed if you plant them in spring.

A note by the way: The majority of the perennials are not sensitive to frost and easy to overwinter.

In spring, plant your perennials in March, April or May, depending on the specific species.

But be careful: Spring sometimes brings long periods of drought with it. That is why it is very important to water the freshly planted perennials regularly and, above all, sufficiently.

By the way: That Transplanting perennials should also preferably be done in spring, depending on the weather between the end of March and the beginning of May.

Perfect planting time for perennials in the tub

Would you like your Perennials in the bucket cultivating, you are not committed to a specific planting season. Instead, you have the opportunity to plant perennials all year round.

Final remarks

That Planting perennials is not too complicated. However, there are a few aspects to consider. For example, you should ensure that each individual species is given the exact location it needs. There are perennials that need plenty of sun, while others do Penumbra or even shadows cope. It is also important not to leave the perennials without soil for too long when planting or transplanting them.