Greek oregano: differences from pizza cabbage

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Oregano is one of the most popular Mediterranean herbs. We introduce the subspecies of Greek oregano with all its advantages and disadvantages.

Greek oregano
A subspecies was dedicated to the Greek oregano [Photo: Artem Kontratiev /]

In the case of Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare subsp. shepherdess) is a subspecies of common oregano (Origanum vulgare). A subspecies of its own was dedicated to the Greek oregano due to its specific natural occurrence in Greece. This is common for the type of Origanum vulgare - There is not a great variety of different oregano varieties on the market, but instead many subspecies with geographical names can be found.

In terms of cultivation and care, there are no fundamental differences between Greek oregano and ordinary. The Greek oregano can also be propagated by sowing and cuttings and it can also cope with very little water even in longer periods of drought. Detailed instructions for the Growing oregano, which you can easily use for the Greek oregano, can be found in this article.

But the Greek oregano would not be a subspecies of its own if there were no small but subtle differences between it and the common pizza herb:
While most oregano species develop small, pink flowers from July, the Greek oregano shines in a pure flower white. In terms of taste and aroma intensity, Greek oregano is said to have clear advantages over many of its relatives.
The most decisive advantage that speaks for the cultivation of the Greek oregano, however, is the comparatively more developed winter hardiness. Since it can withstand winter temperatures of down to -15 ° C, it is best suited for wintering. Most subspecies have long lost out at such temperatures and are therefore not really suitable for outdoor cultivation over the winter. The Greek oregano, on the other hand, stands out due to its robustness, but should still be in During the cold season, use brushwood or mulch to protect them from frost damage caused by temperatures that are too cold will. So you can be sure that the Greek oregano will also provide plenty of pizza herb in its place in the bed next year.

More information about the oregano can be found in this overview article.