Planting daffodils »A planting guide

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Which location is suitable for outdoor and potted daffodils?

As well as Daffodils outdoors such as in the garden bed or on a meadow as well Daffodils in a pot value a sunny to partially shaded location. In the shade, daffodils grow shorter and do not always bloom.

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  • Putting daffodils can be so easy!
  • Planting daffodils - what can go wrong?
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What should the soil be like?

Basically, daffodils are undemanding fellows. You do not need a special and separately purchased substrate to be able to feel good. If they are planted outdoors, they will be happy if the soil is enriched with compost before planting. A substrate with the following features is also advantageous:

  • loamy
  • nutritious
  • wet
  • lime-free
  • permeable
  • not prone to waterlogging
  • humus

Which plant neighbors are suitable?

Daffodils look best when planted in groups. But they also set appealing accents as solitaires or in the vicinity of other early bloomers or early blooming shrubs. They get along with plant neighbors such as tulips and hyacinths. But daffodils have a fundamentally different idea of ​​a suitable milieu. They need a higher soil moisture than the other early bloomers.

When do daffodils bloom?

If daffodils were only planted in March, flowering can take up to the second year. If they were planted in the fall, they usually bloom between March and April the next year. Some species resp. Varieties can be in bloom until May.

Which propagation method has proven itself?

Daffodils can be propagated from their seeds and their bulbs. Above all, the method of separating the onions has proven itself. For this purpose, the daffodils are dug up outside of their growing season, for example after flowering. The onions that have newly formed (smaller than the main onion) are separated from each other and separate from each other planted .

How are the bulbs planted correctly?

Many beginners plant the bulbs too shallowly. The hole in the ground should be three times as deep as the length of the onions. Usually the planting depth is between 15 and 20 cm. The rule is: it is better to plant too deep than too shallow. If the depth is too shallow, the risk of the onions drying out is high.

The right distance between several onions is also important. It should be between 5 and 10 cm. If you plant the daffodil bulbs correctly, you don't have to spend a lot of time later care invest.

Tips & Tricks

When planting daffodils, be careful not to injure the bulbs. Not just because of the health of the plant - bulbs contain a high dose of toxins that can irritate the skin and lead to inflammation. Wear gloves as a precaution!

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