The habitat of the peacock butterfly

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Loves warmth, tolerates cold

All over the northern hemisphere, flowers bloom in shades of lilac, the favorite color of this butterfly, which is unmistakable with colorful eyes on its wings. That would take care of his food. But the different climatic conditions do not make life possible everywhere.

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So cold is tolerated because the adult butterfly looks for shelter in winter Numbness expires and so overwintered. But it would not survive very icy temperatures over long periods of the year.

The currently much discussed global warming could lead to a change in its habitat. At least one can already observe that the peacock butterfly now manages to send two generations out into the world every year.

Geographical distribution

Geographically, Europe and Asia are home to the peacock butterfly. However, the closer a region is to the North Pole, the less suitable it is as its habitat. The north of Scandinavia, for example, is far too inhospitable for him. The butterfly is also not native to Greece and parts of the Iberian Island. Maybe because it's way too hot for him there.

Blooming habitats

In our mountainous country the peacock's eye can be found up to altitudes of 2,500 m. Higher up it is too cold, the rest of the country is freely available to him. He flies to where the table is richly set for him. He can be found:

  • in light, sunny forests
  • on colorful flower meadows
  • in cemeteries, parks and gardens
  • in populated areas, gardens
  • near flowering hedges


You can get caterpillars of this butterfly species to take at home from butterfly breeders and the BUND breed, So your living space also becomes his living space. At least until the butterfly hatches.

Forage plant nettle

The wide range of this butterfly is also due to the fact that its caterpillars are specialized in a food plant that grows everywhere and is "ineradicable": the nettle.

If you want to turn your own garden into a butterfly spot, you should leave a few nettles hidden somewhere. The lifespan of the butterfly is between 1-2 years. Stinging nettles ensure the emergence of new generations. You can find more interesting information about the peacock butterfly in our Characteristics read.


Provide the adult peacock butterfly with plenty of nectar by installing the following plants in your garden: Blue pillows, Dahlias, Thistles, Buddleia, Sweet peas and thyme.