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How and when should tulips be watered?

Tulips grow and bloom at a time of the year that generally has enough natural rainfall. Only water your spring flowers when the earth has dried noticeably. This can be the case more often in pots and balcony boxes than in flower beds. Stop that water please walk slowly on the root disc until no more moisture is absorbed. Since any waterlogging can cause the bulbs to rot, if in doubt, water later rather than prematurely.

also read

  • After flowering is before flowering - this is how you treat faded tulips
  • How do you keep the tulip bloom as long as possible?
  • Caring for Tulips in the Vase Properly - A Comprehensive Guide

Do tulips need fertilization?

There is a persistent rumor among amateur gardeners that tulips can do without fertilizer. Indeed, the gift should be a concentrated load Complete fertilizer be frowned upon. In order for the bulbs to have sufficient energy for flowering, they should not be stingy with nutrients. How to do it right:

  • Mulch generously with compost in autumn
  • From the end of February / beginning of March, lightly rake in the ripe compost every 14 days and water it
  • Pamper tulips in pots and balcony boxes with organic liquid fertilizer

The end of the flowering period does not mean the end of the nutrient supply for tulips. Fertilize They continue in the normal rhythm until the fallen leaves are cut off.

When should the pruning take place?

Please cut your tulips in 2 stages. The withered flower cups are cut off in a timely manner in order to prevent the vigorous seed growth. The leaves cut Only when they are completely dead.

Can tulip bulbs overwinter in the ground?

A normal, central European winter cannot harm your tulips in the ground. If, on the other hand, your garden is in a region with deep ground frost, we recommend a layer of compost or foliage soil as winter protection. In pot culture, tulip bulbs are always endangered in winter, so it makes sense to stay in a frost-free room.

Which diseases are to be expected?

Different types of mushrooms target tulips. In addition to the usual suspects, such as real and fake mildew, one pathogen has specialized in Tulipa. We are talking about gray mold spores of the genus Botrytis tulipae. The one known under the name of Tulip Fire illness expresses itself in stunted flowers, leaves and rotting onions. Effective control agents are not yet available for the home garden.

What pests can tulips attack?

Enemy number 1 for tulips is the voracious vole. So that the onions do not end up in the stomach of the furry glutton, we recommend planting them in the vole basket. Furthermore, armies move away in the spring Nudibranchs to feast on the flowers and leaves. With snail collar, walking barriers and if necessary Slug pellets(€ 7.43 at Amazon *) keep the brood at a distance.


A two-hour bath in 45-degree warm water reliably kills pests hidden in tulip bulbs, such as the tulip bulb lice.

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