A guide from A to Z

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Are dahlias only planted in the garden or also in pots?

You can put dahlias in the flowerbed as well as in the pot or pulling buckets on the balcony and terrace.

also read

  • Hibernate dahlias properly
  • Push dahlias forward for earlier flowering
  • Planting out dahlias - tips for proper planting

Small types of dahlia can even be planted in the balcony box.

Should dahlias be preferred?

Since dahlias can only be planted outside in spring due to the risk of frost, it is worthwhile to have them indoors from March preferable. They are more likely to form flowers.

Georgins can also be sown. the sowing takes place in March on the windowsill. The seeds are kept light, warm and moderately moist until they emerge. They are then planted singly or in individual pots.

They are allowed to go outside driven dahlias not before the end of May, as night frosts occasionally occur until then. You can put dahlias in pots on the terrace or balcony earlier. But bring the buckets into the house if temperatures below freezing are expected at night.

Which location do Georgins prefer?

  • Sunny
  • Warm
  • Sheltered from the wind

Dahlias tolerate direct sunlight. They do not thrive in the shade or do not bloom at all.

Georgins can be planted in the same spot every year if you ensure that the soil receives enough nutrients.

You should plant large varieties of dahlia in a sheltered location so that the heavy flower heads do not break off due to the wind. Supports to which the shoots with the flowers are tied are also helpful.

When is the best time to plant?

Dahlia bulbs can be planted in prepared planting holes in the garden from the end of April. Do not put your dahlias outside until after the ice saints, as the danger of night frosts is too great beforehand.

How should the soil be prepared?

Loosen the soil deeply. Enrich it with compost, Cattle manure(€ 18.80 at Amazon *) and Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) at. The soil must be permeable to water so that no waterlogging occurs. You should mix compacted earth with sand.

How are georgins properly planted?

Dig a planting hole about one and a half times as deep as the tubers are long. Place the dahlia bulbs in the planting hole with the root neck up. New shoots grow from the neck, not from the tubers.

What is the planting distance?

The planting distance depends on the type of dahlia. As a rule of thumb, the distance should be half the later height of the dahlia should be.

When is the dahlia's flowering time?

Dahlias bloom from July. The flowering period lasts well into autumn. After the first frost, the flowering period is over. Regularly thinning out faded flowers will stimulate the bloom.

How are dahlias propagated?

the Multiplication takes place via:

  • Divide the dahlia bulbs
  • Cuttings
  • Seeds

The tubers are in late April divided and immediately planted. Make sure that you only put healthy cuts that have at least one eye is located.

From January onwards, break off cuttings from the bulbs that have been driven and let them grow indoors. To do this, you have to get the tubers out of the winter quarters in good time.

The seeds are sown indoors in March. It can be harvested from the dahlias in the garden in summer. However, the new dahlias are not always single-variety, but can have completely different colors and shapes.

Are dahlias hardy?

Georgins are not hardy. The plants are cut down and dug up in autumn. The tubers need to dry for some time before they can be overwintered indoors - preferably in the basement.

In very mild areas you can Dahlias overwintered outside too if they are well protected from light frosts. But you have to expect losses, also because voles like to eat the tubers.

Are dahlias suitable for family gardens?

Dahlias aren't just non-toxic, they are even edible. The leaves can be used in salads, the flowers make a pretty decoration for soups and other dishes. They can also be used to make a very delicate liqueur. The Aztecs took advantage of that Dahlia bulbs as food.

You can therefore safely plant dahlias in the family garden or care for them on the balcony or terrace.

Do georgines get along with other ornamental plants?

Dahlias look very decorative with other summer flowers such as sunflowers, Gladiolus and Cosmea. They get along with all other ornamental plants that have the same demands on location and soil.

Tips & Tricks

Dahlias are the national flowers of the state of Mexico. The long stems were already used by the Aztecs to store water. The Aztec name of the dahlia is "acocotli" and means water reservoir.