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Here's how you can freeze horseradish

There are essentially three options for freezing horseradish:

  • as a complete root
  • Cut in pieces
  • in rasped form

also read

  • Drying horseradish after harvest
  • Horseradish: cultivation and use of the medicinal and aromatic plant
  • Storing horseradish - that's the right way to do it

Variant 1: Freeze the horseradish as a complete root

  1. Leave the horseradish as is (raw and in one piece).
  2. Wash the root thoroughly.
  3. Thoroughly dry the horseradish. To do this, simply place it on a piece of kitchen paper and gently pat it dry.
  4. Place the horseradish root in a freezer container, such as a freezer bag or a lockable box suitable for the freezer. When choosing a freezer bag, it is essential that you get the air out of it. A vacuum sealer will help you with this. Alternatively, you can use your mouth as a tool.
  5. Seal the container airtight.
  6. Label the freezer container with the date so that you always have the storage time in mind.
  7. Put the protected horseradish in the freezer.


  • It is advisable to use a brush for cleaning. The earth can stick to horseradish very tenaciously.
  • Make sure the horseradish is really dry before freezing. You must not put it in the freezer when it is wet or just damp. Otherwise the root will be bad and no longer usable later.

Option 2: Freeze the horseradish cut into pieces

If you are dealing with a particularly large horseradish root, it makes sense to cut it into pieces and freeze it that way. But in order:

  1. Wash the horseradish and dry it thoroughly (for details, take a look at the steps and tips in the instructions for variant 1).
  2. Cut the root into pieces with a sharp knife. How you design these pieces (size, shape) is up to you.
  3. Portion the horseradish pieces and place them in freezer containers (bags or boxes). Don't forget to suck the air out of the bags.
  4. Again, write the date on the containers and finally put them in the freezer.


Portioning makes two sense: on the one hand, the pieces stay fresher and, on the other hand, you can eat them Distribute the horseradish in such a way that you only get one box or bag out of the freezer for each dish have to.

Option 3: Freeze grated horseradish

The third variant works the same as method 2 - with the only difference that you don't cut the horseradish, but grate it into small pieces. Again, it is advisable to freeze the resulting rasp in portions in suitable dosages.


  • You can use very finely ground horseradish as a spice.
  • Add a little lemon juice to the grated horseradish mixture before it is frozen. This will keep the horseradish fresher and more flavorful.

General note: With all types of freezing, the horseradish can be kept in the freezer for a good six months. Note, however, that the taste will usually wear off a bit.

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