How to propagate it using cuttings

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Cut cuttings in spring or summer

Cuttings for propagation of Cut jasmine Best in spring or summer. Choose shoots that are already slightly woody. Usually these are branches from the previous year.

also read

  • How to multiply jasmine!
  • This is how you gain offshoots from your jasmine
  • Growing jasmine for several years - this is how jasmine blooms for many years

Cut the cuttings at a slight angle with a sharp knife. They should be about 10 to 15 centimeters long.

Remove any lower sheets. If buds can be seen, they are removed. If the jasmine has very large leaves, cut them in half. This is not necessary with small leaves.

Prepare small pots

  • Clean the pot
  • Fill in the plant substrate
  • If necessary, make the plant substrate germ-free

You can use simple garden soil with some ripe compost and sand or as a plant substrate Expanded clay(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) is mixed. If not available, buy special ones Potting soil in the garden market.

The soil must be germ-free, otherwise the cutting will quickly mold or rot. Put the soil in the hot oven for a few minutes to sterilize.

The cuttings are placed about five centimeters deep in the moistened soil. Then press the earth firmly.

The right location for the cuttings

Warmth is important! Put the pots in a sheltered, bright, warm place location. Temperatures around 20 degrees are ideal.

Keep the soil moist. It is even better if you protect the pot with a clear plastic bag. The cover ensures good air and soil moisture. But don't forget to remove the hood regularly to ventilate the cuttings.

It takes more than two years for the first bloom

In the next spring, new leaves should have formed on the cutting. Now you can put it in a bigger pot plants.

Until the jasmine for the first time blooms, at least two years pass.


False jasmine cuttings (Philadelphus), also called farmer's jasmine or scented jasmine, is best cut in June. Put the cuttings in a prepared garden bed and provide winter protection.

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