Cherry tree gets brown leaves »What could be the reason?

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Most cherry tree diseases are Fungal diseases. The infestation often affects not only the bark, flowers and fruits, but also the leaves. These change color, get holes, dry up and fall off or stick to the tree, depending on which disease caused the leaf color. The following are possible:

  • Monilia peak drought,
  • Shotgun Sickness,
  • Gnomonia leaf tan.

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Monilia peak drought

This disease is noticeable by the fact that the flowers first begin to wither. As the infestation progresses, the shoot tips and leaves turn brown and dry up. The dried up flowers, leaves and twigs stick to the tree and must be removed and destroyed to avoid further infection. Otherwise, the pathogens of the Monilia peak drought can overwinter in the infested areas and spread further in the following year.

Shotgun Sickness

The leaves affected by shotgun disease only look brown from a distance. When viewed up close, the leaves are covered with small, initially carmine-red, later dark brown spots. In the middle of the spots, the eponymous shotgun holes appear over time. The damaged leaves are shed from the end of June. The fungus overwinters in the affected branches, which is why they are radical

cut back, possibly. are additional Spraying measures to be carried out before the next flowering.

Gnomonia leaf tan

The gnomonia leaf tan only affects sweet cherry trees. The first signs of this are already in winter in the form of leaves left on the branches. There the fungus overwinters and infects the young leaves that appear in spring. These initially get spot-like lightening that slowly turns brown towards the end of July. The infected leaves are to be removed. In the case of severe infestation, chemical control measures with suitable agents are sometimes unavoidable.

Tips & Tricks

Before setting out to identify the disease, make sure that it is not the disease Wrong location and unfavorable weather are responsible for the premature brown discoloration of the leaves is.

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