Vegetable patch for beginners »Easy to grow vegetables

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Lay out the vegetable patch correctly

Simply dig up a corner of the garden and sow - unfortunately this does not work.

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The right location for the vegetable patch, which shouldn't be too big at first, is a sunny corner. Prepare this in autumn:

  • Cut off the lawn.
  • Dig up and remove all weeds and their roots.
  • Improve the soil with a little compost and, in the case of heavy soils, sand.

If you first want to try out whether growing vegetables suits you, you can do without an edging of the vegetable patch.

Which vegetables are suitable?

When it comes to vegetable plants, you prefer to use tried and tested varieties. These get by with a minimum of care and still thrive:

Art information
radish Can be sown at any time and grow very quickly. The first harvest can take place after two to three weeks.
Carrots Different varieties, also in unusual colors, enrich the raw food plate. The only thing to note is that the ground in front of the
sowing needs to be loosened up well. Carrots are ready for harvest after just one month.
Salads Types of lettuce that do not form heads are good for beginners. You should only watch out for snails, because they love the delicate green.
Beans Bush beans grow quickly and offer an early harvest. Green beans that climb need a support and thus become the visual highlight of the vegetable patch.
tomatoes Even pulled, these are much tastier than from the trade. There are now many disease-free varieties that can be easily grown in beds or pots.
Swiss chard A vegetable that is very fashionable again. You can harvest the first leaves after about two months. Swiss chard will sprout again by winter so that you can remove leaves a second time.
spices Thyme, marjoram, chervil, savory, chives and parsley: what would a vegetable garden be without these herbs. They require almost no maintenance and score with their intense aroma.
Strawberries These are extremely easy to cultivate. If they are allowed to mature in peace, they develop a wonderful taste. They not only fit on the fruit plate, but also complement the home-grown pick salads.


Don't just plan the size of the vegetable patch based on the people who live in your household. A utility bed is a lot of work: it has to be watered, weeds removed, harvested and the food processed promptly. As a rule of thumb, you have to calculate around thirty minutes of work per week for every ten square meters of bedding area.