This is how you get rid of mosquitoes and the like

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Drive away insects with smells

Insects can't stand certain smells. Fortunately, they contain numerous plants essential oils that produce exactly this effect. Effective crops are, for example:

  • lavender
  • sage
  • Spice laurel
  • tomatoes
  • Walnut trees
  • Lemongrass

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  • Nesting aids for insects in your own garden
  • Fight insects successfully, but biologically
  • These beneficial insects live in your garden

Alternatively, you can find essential oils in highly concentrated form in drugstores or health food stores. These are used to drive away insects indoors.

Cover water points

Insects, especially mosquitoes, brood gladly in open water holes. Rain barrels(€ 3.59 at Amazon *) and water buckets should therefore always have a lid. A layer of gravel helps against standing water in the saucer of the flower pot. A small fountain is recommended for the garden pond. Water movement destroys its surface tension. The animals cannot hold on to the surface and drown.

The right light

Their faceted eyes are typical of insects. These react very differently to the influence of light than the human organ of vision. Orange light is often too bright for the insects, which is why they avoid such light sources. Special lamps are available in stores that emit precisely this light.

Distract insects

Sweet smells like cake or sugary drinks attract insects on your terrace. To fight it, turn the tables and distract the animals. To do this, mix a sweet liquid such as honey or molasses in a little flour and place the mixture in another place in the garden. There the insects can feast on the dessert undisturbed.

Note: No matter how annoying insects may be, fungicides are no solution to get rid of the pests. Just think of the consequences for the entire ecosystem, which, by the way, also includes insects. In some ways the animals are also very useful. For example, they feed on plant pests and pollinate your flowers.