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Cannabis-like plants - title

There are several plants in which the leaves in particular look confusingly similar to hemp. Some of them are ...

Recognize flea bite - title

Every gardener knows the problem: after weeding or mowing the lawn, reddish spots appear ...

Joint sand against weeds - title

Joint sand gives paved areas on the property the necessary strength and helps to keep them weed-free. The product range ...

Identify domestic beetles - title

Around 7000 different species of beetles live in Germany, some of which are very different in their appearance and ...

Hardy plants for shady places - titles

Shady locations are often difficult to green, and it is particularly difficult to find flowering, hardy plants. There is ...

Felling trees with permission - title

Felling trees is a complex matter. If they are not felled according to regulations, heavy fines can ensue. ...

Vacation Irrigation - Title

When a vacation comes up, the fear of thirsty plants is great. Fortunately, you can use a piece of string to make a ...

Radishes eaten, pests - titles

Since radishes are delicious, they are often grown in their own gardens. However, it is annoying when the radishes are eaten ...

Cucumbers stop growing - title

When the cucumbers stop growing it is the horror of many gardeners. But what are the causes ...

Soil activator for the lawn - title

It's not just fertilizer that makes the lawn grow really nicely and gives it a rich green color. Even ...

Mixed crop table fruit trees - title

Mixed cultivation is rarely taken into account in fruit trees, although the trees have been standing next to each other for several decades. The right fruit trees ...

Growing lemon cucumbers - title

If you soon see roundish yellow fruits on climbing plants in your garden neighbors, it could be lemon cucumbers ...

Getting green water clear in the pool - title

If there is green water in the pool, it is not only visually problematic. This can also lead to health risks ...

Soft soap against aphids - title

Whether soft soap and curd soap are effective agents against aphids and when they should be used to control ...

Beetle with long antennae in the apartment - title

Beetles with long antennae are not pleasant roommates. Because your larvae not only contaminate food with their excretions, ...

Driving out the elephant's foot again - title

Re-sprouting an elephant's foot doesn't have to be difficult. Depending on the cause, even simple measures ...

Sage leaves drooping - title

If the sage sags, you must act. Various causes can be responsible ...

Big black beetle - title

A black beetle often goes unnoticed by its color. The situation is different with large beetles. In ...

Growing cucumbers in the raised bed - title

Untreated cucumbers from our own harvest cannot be compared with those from the supermarket. They are much fresher and more aromatic. ...

Grouting terrace slabs - title

A terrace should not only look good, it should also last a long time. What do do-it-yourselfers need to consider when grouting their terrace slabs ...

When are cucumbers ripe? - title

When cucumbers are ripe can be easily determined with the right knowledge. Our guide not only informs you ...

Aerial images of native birds of prey - title

Birds of prey fascinate with their impressive flying skills and hunting techniques. Since they are rarely seen today, however, ...

Planting strawberries in the raised bed - title

If you plant strawberries in the raised bed, you can look forward to an early and high yield. Which factors ...

When to plant strawberries - title

There are a few basics to keep in mind when growing strawberries. Including the right time to ...

Forsythia flower - title

Forsythia are among the most important pointer plants in the phenological calendar. Its golden yellow bloom heralds first spring. ...

Caterpillars with hairs - title

Caterpillars become fascinating butterflies. It is worth looking at them carefully. Many caterpillars have a colorful pattern, some are conspicu ...

Humus soil composition - title

Humus is important for plants, but only a few know what it is exactly and which ...

What earth for basil - title

The pretty blooming basil is one of the herbs thanks to its aromatic power. Therefore it is automatically assumed ...

Bayern-Kiwi 'Weiki' - title

The Bavarian kiwi 'Weiki (R)' (Actinidia arguta) is a high-yielding, small-fruited and very sweet kiwi variety with gooseberry-sized fruits. ...

Rent a tiller - title

The tiller replaces the tedious work with the spade in the garden and makes it easier for you to dig up and loosen the ...

Sow Columbine - title

The Columbine is an attractive flower with an unusual shape. It transforms one or the other area of ​​the garden ...

Deciduous trees with cones - titles

Everyone knows fir, pine and spruce cones. But not only conifers form cone-shaped inflorescences. We make deciduous trees ...

Repotting the elephant foot - title

Beaucarnea recurvata is a popular houseplant in countless homes because of its distinctive appearance. If you ever see the elephant's foot ...

Propagate hollyhocks - title

It is comparatively easy to propagate hollyhocks. However, in order for the breeding to succeed, a few factors must be observed. We ...

Laying decking boards - title

Terrace boards are considered modern because they combine a natural, pleasant material with a high-quality look. Important for permanent ...

Recognize blackbird eggs - title

Bird nests can be found in the garden again and again. Which birds are involved can be identified by means of various ...

Chopper hire - title

When managing large gardens, a wood chipper can save energy and time. He chops up branches and greens ...

What to do against cats in the garden - title

Do you always have to mess around with strange cats in your own garden? Do not worry. There are numerous means ...

Planting potatoes in the sack

Would you like to harvest your own potatoes but don't have a garden? That is not an obstacle! We provide you with a space-saving ...

Rent a bar mower - title

Professional bar mowers are mainly used in agriculture for combine harvesting and for cutting fodder grass meadows. Nonetheless, ...

Thrush eggs appearance- title

Thrush eggs are easy to recognize by their appearance. However, the eggs of the native Turdus species differ in terms of the ...

Scarifier hire - title

Borrowing a scarifier can be handy and save money. But what should you watch out for? Special features and notes on ...

Sparrow eggs appearance - title

The house sparrow (Passer domesticus), also popularly known as the "sparrow", is one of the most common birds in Germany. But ...

Dealing with blackbird chicks - title

Blackbirds are one of the most common songbirds that can be found in close proximity to humans. No wonder you ...

Garden shed and wood paneling - title

A wooden garden shed has a natural charm that goes very well in any garden. The same goes for ...

Taproot - Title

Various trees and shrubs are only shallowly rooted in the ground. Others are deeply rooted. They are called taproots. ...

Drive away sparrows - title

If there are sparrows in the area of ​​the house, it can get noisy and dirty. The birds are sociable, keep ...

Prefer hollyhocks - title

Hollyhocks are decorative, bee-friendly, hardy and easy to care for. You don't need more than a sunny spot. On the windowsill you can ...

Identify bird eggs - title

Every now and then you come across bird nests, eggs or eggshells while hiking or gardening. Which bird has ...

Trout begonia gets brown tips - titles

The trout begonia, bot. Begonia maculata impresses with its dotted leaves. That's why it's all the more annoying when they have brown tips ...

Identify duck species - title

Various ducks can be seen by lakes, streams and ponds. While the females are often inconspicuous, many fascinate ...

How much sun can basil - title

The herbal plant, also known as royal herb, is a versatile herb and not only in the Italian kitchen ...

Types of Begonia for Home & Garden - Titles

The number of begonia varieties is estimated at around 12,000. So it is not surprising that the hobby gardener at ...

Tall grass as a privacy screen - title

Thanks to their impressive growth forms and striking colors, flowers or stalks, grasses are an important design element with ...

Hedge fertilizer - title

Hedges are often used as a privacy screen from the prying eyes of the neighbors. So that they grow quickly and opaque, they need ...

Black birds with yellow bills - titles

Many birds impress with their iridescent plumage in bright colors. Black birds with yellow bills are rare. The best known ...

Lifespan of mosquitoes - title

Sitting on the terrace on a mild summer evening and listening to the chirping of the crickets could be so beautiful - ...

Recognize tit eggs - title

The tits (Paridae) are widespread in Europe with different species. The tits look for caves in their habitat ...

Plants for a lot of sun and little water - titles

Fully sunny and at the same time dry locations in the garden are difficult to plant. We introduce you to 24 plants that enjoy plenty of sun and ...

How old do hollyhocks get? - title

Hollyhocks are one of the most popular ornamental plants and for many gardeners it is a sad sight when they ...

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