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Plant the trumpet tree correctly

In early spring, dig a planting pit in the sunny location that is twice the volume of the root ball. Put the excavation in a wheelbarrowto compost there and Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) to mix in. Meanwhile, the still potted root ball is soaked in a bucket with water until no more air bubbles rise. Before you the boy Trumpet tree pot and plant, drive a support stake into the planting pit. When choosing the planting depth, please make sure that the soil at the end is just below the garden soil. Connect the trunk and the support post with a wide binding material that will not cut into the young bark. Water regularly and abundantly on the day of planting and in the following weeks without causing waterlogging.
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also read

  • Trumpet tree - how to plant the exotic in your garden
  • Trumpet tree loves a sunny and warm location
  • Trumpet tree: flowering time in summer

Care tips

If you pay attention to the following care program, the trumpet tree will meet all expectations:

  • Keep the soil constantly slightly moist without waterlogging
  • An organic start fertilization in March / April in the form of compost and horn shavings
  • Repeatedly use in August / September to strengthen winter hardiness Comfrey manure to water
  • In late winter, thin out the crown and shorten it by up to two thirds if necessary

In the first years of life, a young catalpa does not have much to counter the stresses and strains of the Central European winter. Protect the wood with a thick layer of leaves on the Tree grate, fixed with pin twigs. The young branches are given a cover made of breathable material, such as Garden fleece or jute ribbons.
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Which location is suitable?

Choose a sunny, warm and sheltered location. These framework conditions are particularly relevant for a young trumpet tree, as it only has the robust winter hardiness of an adult specimen over the years. In addition, the branches break when the wind repeatedly pulls them. In addition to the temperature and light conditions, the spatial capacity plays an important role in the choice of location. Since the common trumpet tree (Catalpa bignonioides) can reach a height of 12-15 meters, the distance to buildings, neighbors and other plants must not be too short.
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The correct planting distance

Due to its height, the trumpet tree, including its hybrids, is assigned to the third order trees. We therefore recommend the following plant spacing as a safe distance from buildings:

  • Ordinary trumpet tree: 10-12 m
  • Purpurea: 8-10 m
  • Powdered ulenta and large-crowned trumpet tree: 6-8 m
  • Nana: 4-5 m

In Germany, the distance between plants and neighbors is regulated by law at the state level. Therefore, ask the responsible regulatory or building authority about the prescribed distance and have this information confirmed in writing to be on the safe side.

What soil does the plant need?

The roots of the heart find suitable conditions in fresh, moist to moderately dry soil. The soil should also be rich in nutrients, deep and humic. Avoid a location where there is a risk of waterlogging. While the trumpet tree knows how to cope with brief drought, permanent wetness puts an end to its life in no time at all.

What is the best time to plant?

In view of the frost sensitivity of young trumpet trees, we recommend spring planting. This makes all the more sense as the tree sprouts very late anyway. If a catalpa is available all summer and autumn to take root in the ground, it is well prepared for the first winter. The classic planting time for native trees in autumn is, from the point of view of American immigrants, too short for adequate rooting before winter.
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When is the flowering time?

From June to July the trumpet tree puts on its distinctive flower dress. Look forward to white, trumpet-shaped flowers with a purple or pink throat on panicles up to 15 cm long. Do not clean the withered flowers, because decorative pods with a length of 30-35 cm develop from them, which linger on the tree well into winter.
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Cut the trumpet tree correctly

A trumpet tree develops its symmetrical crown on its own. If there is enough space available, you can give the noble wood a free hand to grow. Only an annual thinning out is on the maintenance plan in early spring, so that the crown does not burn off from the inside. If you're aiming for a cut back to limit size and volume, do it right:

  • Set a frost-free day in late winter as the date
  • If necessary, shorten excessively long branches by up to 75 percent
  • Place the freshly sharpened scissors over a leaf knot (thickening under the bark)

Take this opportunity to cut off dead branches at the base. Please make sure that the trunk bark is not damaged. The same applies to branches that are directed inwards and rub against each other.
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Watering the trumpet tree

The trumpet tree prefers a constantly slightly moist soil that dries up in the meantime. Please adjust the amount of water to the progress of the growth. As long as no leaves have formed on the branches, the tree receives very little water. Abundant moisture evaporates through the large heart leaves during the summer, so that the need for watering increases disproportionately. So check every few days with a thumb test whether the surface of the earth is 3-5 cm dry. Pour the water slowly onto the root disc to avoid puddling as a symptom of impending waterlogging.

Fertilize the trumpet tree properly

In humus rich, nutrient-rich soil, the need for fertilizers is low. Here an organic start fertilization with compost and Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) in March / April. Please do not expose a trumpet tree to the concentrated load of a mineral compound fertilizer. Slowly decomposing organic materials have a more favorable effect on vitality, flowers and the beauty of the leaves. In addition to compost and horn shavings, bark humus, leaf earth, guano granulate and horse manure are possible.
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The furious heart leaves provide the ubiquitous fungal spores of mildew a welcome area to spread out. This is especially true during warm and humid summer weather. If a floury-gray patina spreads across the beautiful foliage, you must intervene immediately. Cut off infected leaves to dispose of with household waste. Then spray the top and bottom of the remaining leaves repeatedly with a mix of water and fresh milk in a ratio of 9: 1.
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Only at an advanced age does a trumpet tree have a robust frost resistance. In the first 5 years we recommend the following precautions for a healthy winter:

  • Cover the root disc with a high layer of leaves, straw, compost or coniferous twigs
  • Cover the crown and trunk with breathable garden fleece
  • Remove the cover immediately when it is no longer freezing

You can already influence an undamaged winter time in autumn. In August and September shower the tree disc repeatedly with comfrey liquid manure. There is plenty of potassium in it. This nutrient strengthens the cell walls and lowers the freezing point of the cell sap.
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Propagate Trumpet Tree

In order to grow more specimens of the trumpet tree, you can use the following propagation methods:

  • Cut half-lignified, non-flowering head cuttings in summer to allow them to take root in the pot
  • Cut lignified cuttings from the middle of the branches during winter and insert them into peat sand
  • sowing the (poisonous) seeds on the warm windowsill with a germination time of 30 days at 20-25 degrees Celsius

The propagation of a refined nana ball trumpet tree, on the other hand, belongs in the hands of an experienced gardener.
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Is Trumpet Tree Poisonous?

The sap in the shoots and leaves can trigger allergies if they come into contact with the skin, which of course only occurs in very sensitive people. In contrast, the long pod fruits should be consumed with caution in autumn. The seeds in it can cause significant symptoms of intoxication, such as nausea, vomiting and cramps. The cigar-like capsule fruits of a trumpet tree are therefore not suitable for consumption. We therefore recommend cultivating the ball trumpet tree of the 'Nana' variety in the family garden. Since this does not bloom, no poisonous fruits can form on it.
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Trumpet tree does not bloom

A trumpet tree takes at least 8 years to bloom for the first time. Depending on the site conditions, it can take up to 15 years before the pretty panicles of flowers appear for the first time. If an older tree does not bloom, it lacks nutrients or the location receives too little sunlight.
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Yellow leaves

If the leaves of individual branches take on a yellow color, while the remaining leaves remain green, the Verticillium wilt has struck. The wilt fungus infects the trumpet tree from the ground and clogs the ducts. The water and nutrient supply is reduced and ultimately comes to a standstill. Effective control methods have not yet been developed. Cut the tree back into healthy wood and put all framework conditions to the test. With a little luck, the stressed catalpa will recover.
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Nice varieties

  • Gold Trumpet Tree: Delighted with golden yellow shoots of heart-shaped leaves and white flower panicles from June; 400-600 cm
  • Purpurea: A catalpa with a rounded crown and dark red leaves that turn green in summer; 600-1000 cm
  • Pulverulenta: The innovative cultivation impresses with its umbrella-shaped crown and speckled leaves; 400-500 cm
  • Nana: Popular ball trumpet tree, the fragrant heart leaves of which form a spherical crown; 350-500 cm
  • Large-crowned trumpet tree: A magnificent Catalpa bungei with an extra large crown and 15 cm long leaves; 500-800 cm

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