The most famous varieties at a glance

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Bitter orange

The bitter orange, also called three-leaf orange or three-leaf lemon, has its origin in the Himalayas. It is robust, easy to care for and is considered to be the hardest citrus variety. The cold-tested plant easily survives winter in our gardens, but sheds its leaves in autumn.

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Outwardly, calamondin resembles a small orange tree, but is a species of its own. It is well suited for beginners in citrus cultivation because it requires little Care. It has the following to offer:

  • attractive, glossy green foliage
  • fragrant flowers
  • refreshing fruits


In this country, the clementine can only be cultivated in a tub. This evergreen plant must therefore - like almost all citrus species - overwinter. In the trade it is often offered as a high or half trunk with a spherical crown, which underlines its decorative appearance even more.


A fast-growing, easy-care citrus variety that can get quite tall. Their fruits are among the largest in the citrus world. In particularly warm locations, it can also bring them to maturity in our latitudes.


Small, elongated fruits characterize the typical appearance of a kumquat. The plant grows beautifully bushy, but only bears abundantly in the ideal location. This should be very warm and sunny.


In addition to the obligatory acidity, the green sister of the lemon also has its own aroma. The varieties we offer have different requirements. The common lime, also known as Persian lime, is considered to be the easiest to care for.


Whether we can coax fruit from it or not, a tangerine tree is always an asset to the terrace at home. The white flowers appear from May to September and give off a delicate fragrance.


Everyone knows what an orange tree looks like. In this country it has to be cultivated in a bucket and therefore remains smaller in size. The care required is typical of citrus plants: water as required, fertilize, now and again cut and repot and of course winter safely.


A classic when it comes to conjuring up Mediterranean flair. In specialist shops you can find grafted plants that are already in bearing. Even in supermarkets, they are regularly offered for a low price.


You can make a lemon tree yourself from a core multiply. Such a plant grows quickly, but will not bear fruit for a long time. Nevertheless, it is a feast for the eyes.

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