When and how is it done?

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Harvest time for red cabbage

Red cabbage can be brought forward from April and into May Planted outdoors will. Mini red coal can be harvested as early as June. However, these do not last long to store. However, they are delicious and can be made into decorative salads. There are also some early ones sortswhich are already quite large in June.
If you want to harvest red cabbage the size of a supermarket, this is usually possible from mid-August through November.
Harvest your red cabbage when it is plump, round and the size you want. If you wait too long before harvesting, the red cabbage will burst and become tough. In addition, you should definitely harvest red cabbage before the first frost, because it is not winter hardy.

also read

  • The red cabbage varieties and their characteristics
  • When is the lettuce harvest time?
  • The harvest time for savoy cabbage

The correct procedure for harvesting red cabbage

When the cabbage is the size you want, arm yourself with a sharp, clean knife and get to work:

  • Remove any outer, protruding leaves.
  • Then cut the cabbage just above the ground.
  • Be careful not to damage the leaves and cut the cabbage deep enough so that it doesn't fall apart.
  • Then shake off the earth and dirt and remove any more dirty or protruding leaves, leaving only a round, clean ball of red cabbage.

After harvest

If you want to store your red cabbage, you should never clean it with water and be careful not to damage it during harvest! Then it can be stored in the refrigerator as well as in a cool cellar for several weeks to several months.

Key facts at a glance

  • Harvest mini red cabbage or early varieties from the end of June
  • Harvest late and mid-late varieties from mid-August
  • work with a clean and sharp knife
  • Do not damage red cabbage and only dry clean before storage


The development time of red cabbage varies depending on the variety. here we have the most important varieties and the duration of the for you sowing summarized until harvest.

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