Hold balloon flower on the balcony

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What should you watch out for?

For a small balcony, choose a rather low-growing variety. Use relatively deep Window boxes(€ 7.99 at Amazon *) or plant pots, because the balloon flower has long tap roots. The soil should be rich in nutrients and well drained. You may want to add some sand and compost to yours Potting soil.

also read

  • When and how long does the balloon flower bloom?
  • How do you overwinter the balloon flower?
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Blue varieties of balloon flower keep their color best on a very sunny balcony. Pink and white varieties, on the other hand, love that Penumbra. If you get too much sun, your flowers will change color, but maybe you like the new shade.

Maintain the balloon flower on the balcony

Balloon flowers are very thirsty. A lack of water is of course more noticeable on a balcony than in the garden bed. to water You should therefore keep your plants regularly during the Heyday in summer possibly several times a day. You can also treat your balloon flower to a small dose of liquid fertilizer twice a month during this time.

Hibernate the balloon flower as a container plant

The balloon flower is indeed hardy, but not sufficiently protected from frost as a container plant. In contrast to the flowerbed, frost can penetrate into a tub or balcony box from all sides, including from below. Therefore, in this case, the balloon flower needs good protection from all sides. Wrap an old blanket, bubble wrap or other insulating material around your planters.

Also protect the balloon flower from cold wind. One is ideal wintering in a cold greenhouse or an unheated conservatory. As long as the ground is not frozen, you should also water the Chinese bellflower moderately so that it does not die of thirst. This danger is often overlooked.

The best tips for balloon flowers on the balcony:

  • water regularly
  • fertilize regularly
  • from April to August
  • Protect from frost in winter


Blue balloon flowers keep their beautiful color best on a sunny balcony.

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