Interesting facts about this pretty strain

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Decorative lucky charm for the new year

The triangular lucky clover is often given away as a souvenir to the New Year's Eve party or at the beginning of the New Year - and disposed of again quickly. Like all other lucky clover varieties, Dreieckiger Glücksklee can be grown for several years.

also read

  • Tips for caring for lucky clover in the pot and in the garden
  • Grow lucky clover in a pot for several years
  • Clover in the pot

If you take care of the triangular lucky clover longer, you can enjoy the beautiful flowers in white or pink. It is also available with purple and redden Scroll.

  • Three-winged leaves in a triangular shape
  • Leaves white, purple or red
  • Flowers white or white-pink

Triangular lucky clover - location and care

The triangular lucky clover likes to spend the winter in the flower window, where it gets enough sun. Repot it immediately, as most plants are sold in pots that are too small.

You can water the triangular lucky clover penetrating. However, you should avoid waterlogging, as this would cause the roots to rot.

In summer fertilize The triangular lucky clover in a pot every two weeks. There is no fertilization immediately after repotting in fresh substrate. Reduce the dosage indicated on the package to avoid over-fertilization.

Pests and diseases are rare

Triangular lucky clover is very robust. Pests and diseases only occur if you water too much or too little, the humidity is too low or the substrate is too depleted.

How to grow lucky triangular clover for several years

In the first year, the lucky clover spends the winter in the flower window in a pot. In the following years the leaves turn brown in autumn because the plant then goes into hibernation. But they sprout again in spring.

You can also plant the triangular lucky clover outdoors in summer, but then have to dig up the bulbs again in autumn.


The triangular lucky clover is only partially hardy and should therefore be grown in a pot. In summer you are welcome to put it on the terrace or plant it in the garden. But it has to be frost-free overwintered will.

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