Planting tiger lotus »Here's how to do it right

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First check living conditions

Just having an aquarium is not enough! The water in it should be soft, slightly acidic, and rich in carbon dioxide. There should also be a clear flow of water. It is only worthwhile if you can offer these conditions Keeping tiger lotus.

also read

  • Tiger lotus - also an eye-catcher in the aquarium
  • Plant a turmeric tuber and care for it properly
  • Planting waterweed - this is how it's done!

The red tiger lotus likes a nutrient-rich soil and needs very good lighting conditions for its red underwater leaves. For the green tiger lotus, on the other hand, the soil can consist of pure sand and moderate light conditions are sufficient for it.

The best pelvic area

Tiger lotus grows up to 60 cm high. Find a light-filled place in the middle or rear area for planting of the aquarium. The plant is attractive as a solitary plant but can also be used in a group planting. The red tiger lotus can also be placed near green aquarium plants, where it comes into its own in a contrasting manner.

Plant the tuber

A kind of navel can be recognized on the lily bulb. This is the lower side from which the roots will later sprout.

  • Place the tuber the right way round
  • do not dig in completely
  • up to half is enough
  • if necessary fix with larger stones


You can also let the tuber float in the water for a while until the first leaves appear. So you know for sure how the tuber is buried.

Plant young plants

If a tuber has already sprouted leaves and roots, it is also planted in the ground. Be careful when doing this so that the tuber does not fall off. If that happens anyway, the plant will still take root and continue to grow. You can also plant the fallen tuber, it will sprout again.

Put the tiger lotus and the pot in the aquarium

Are the living conditions optimal and the care leaves nothing to be desired, tiger lotus can be strong multiply. Smart aquarists therefore plant them in a pot. This limits the growth of roots and thus the excessive budding of new leaves. With a pot, the plant can also be taken out of the water more easily, for example for upcoming pruning measures.

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