Is the catnip edible?

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No toxic agents

Catnip does not contain any substances that are harmful to the organism. It is non-toxic for both humans and animals. However, since it can cause noise-like conditions, it should be used carefully. In cats, for example, too high a dose has led to aggressive behavior.

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The catnip as a spice plant

The catnip was already used in the Middle Ages used. In most cases, however, their healing powers and less so their aromatic powers were used. In its homeland, in Persia, it is used as a herb for various traditional dishes.

There are several ways to eat catnip. You can snack on the flowers straight or use them for salads and desserts. Their color makes them extremely decorative. They taste sweet and slightly minty. The leaves can also be used for smoothies, for example. Especially those sorts with lemon aroma, are a welcome change for dishes.

The catnip for tea

The use of catnip for tea is better known in this country. Fresh or dried leaves can be used for this. The tea is a popular home remedy for various ailments. However, pregnant women should not drink it - unless at birth - as it promotes labor.

The leaves should not be boiled, but rather poured over with hot water. The essential oils would evaporate when cooked. The brew should be left to steep for 20 minutes. If you want to relieve physical discomfort with the tea, you should drink a cup of it three times a day.

The catnip as a medicinal plant

A good side effect of catnip is that it has positive effects when consumed or drunk as a tea. Responsible are their essential oils and the alkaloid actinidine. The catnip works:

  • diuretic
  • fever lowering
  • detoxifying
  • antispasmodic
  • sweaty
  • appetizing
  • antibacterial

Tips & Tricks

The catnip can be used as a tea infusion, for example against colds, flu, bronchitis and gastrointestinal complaints.


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