This is the best way to take care of them

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Plant correctly at the right time - this is how it works

Only late in the year does the time window open to plant tulip bulbs in the ground. Be patient until the temperatures drop permanently below 10 degrees Celsius from the middle / end of October. Choose a sunny, warm and sheltered one Location with humus, loose and permeable soil. To plant bulbs like a pro:

  • Dig pits at a distance of 15-20 cm that are two to three times deeper than the height of the tulip bulbs
  • Create a bed of sand at the bottom if the soil is clay-concrete
  • With the tip pointing upwards, insert one onion at a time and cover with substrate

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  • Caring for tulips properly - this is how it works before, during and after flowering

Press the soil well with your hands, pour plenty of water and mulch with compost or leaf earth.

This is how the all-round feel-good program for tulips succeeds

In terms of

care The colorful spring grazies are undemanding. Please only water moderately if it rains too little during the growth and flowering period. An organic nutrient supply with compost and Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) supplies tulips with the energy they need. From March on, please rake the fertilizer lightly on the root disc every 14 days and pour more. Continue this care even after flowering has ended, until the leaves have died.

One of the main pillars of successful cultivation is pruning in stages. The withered flower cups must give way as soon as possible, while the leaves linger in the garden to the bitter end. Until these are absorbed, the tulip bulb assimilates the nutrients it contains. In the next year, the flower will fall back on this reserve in order to spread the sparkling spring mood in the garden again.


If summer comes with continuous rain, the dilemma affects the lifespan of tulip bulbs. In this case, get the bulbs out of the ground as soon as they bloom. Please cut off the withered flower heads, while the leaves remain on the plant until they have completely died. Until the beginning of the planting season, the flower bulbs are stored dry in a box with peat sand in the dark cellar.

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