This is what you should pay attention to

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Choice of location

Young ash trees are satisfied with shady conditions, but for optimal growth the ash should not be planted as an undergrowth. Lots of light and sun make the tree grow quickly.

also read

  • The blossom of the ash
  • Is the ash poisonous?
  • Pests on the ash

Soil claims

  • wet
  • nutritious
  • cool
  • pH higher than 4
  • water-storing
  • dry soils are also possible

Note the height of growth

Ash trees reach heights of up to 40 meters, making them one of the largest deciduous trees in Europe. Their trunk can be 2 meters in diameter. On the one hand, this growth is impressive, on the other hand, it also causes arguments about the garden fence and complications with buildings. So only plant an ash in your garden if there is enough space available. There must be no walls in the immediate vicinity.


Not sure whether a tree of this size will fit in your garden? Species are also commercially available that have a significantly narrower growth. You can also often find them on streets where they are used for greening. So you don't have to do without an ash tree in your own garden despite the limited space.

Plant ash

  1. dig a medium-deep hole
  2. put the young tree in it. The best thing to do is to buy a rootballed specimen from the nursery
  3. fill the remaining cavities with soil
  4. now you water the substrate sufficiently


Young ash trees threaten to buckle quickly in strong winds. If possible, fix the tree to a support.

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