Green algae (filamentous algae) in the pond

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garden editorial
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Table of contents

  • fish out algae
  • Algae control with UV devices
  • water exchange
  • Chemical control agents
  • Prevent by adequate water circulation
  • Not too many fish in the pond
  • Prevent bases for algae formation
  • Editor's conclusion

Filamentous algae develop in many ponds. There are various reasons for this, e.g. B.

  • Rain,
  • pollen blown in,
  • excrement of pond creatures,
  • dying plant parts,
  • dead animals.

All this leads to an excess of nutrients in the garden pond. This in turn encourages algae growth. If the sun comes along and warms the water, the algae often spread explosively. The pond water looks green and the thread algae the entire pond flora become matted - an absolute nuisance.

video tip

fish out algae

A simple method is to fish the algae out of the water. An unpainted, rough stick or branch is sufficient.

  • You pull it through the water in turning and circular movements.
  • The algae wrap themselves around the stick, stick or branch.
  • You can pull them out and slip them off.
  • Of course you can also use a pond net.

Algae control with UV devices

The UV devices are well suited for larger ponds. They kill algae with short-wave and high-energy UV light. The devices act on all microorganisms in the pond. But after a few weeks, the biological balance in the pond is restored.

water exchange

A water change can help with an algae problem. However, at least 30 percent of the total amount of water must be exchanged. This usually only makes sense for small ponds.

Chemical control agents

algae in the pond

There are numerous remedies such as algae stop. She also help against algae, but seriously disturb the biological balance. The pond usually takes a long time until everything is balanced and healthy again.

Prevent by adequate water circulation

  • Filamentous algae form in stagnant water.
  • Keeping the supply of oxygen constant by circulating water helps prevent algae.
  • The integration of a stream, a waterfall, a fountain sculpture, a fountain and the like are helpful here.

Not too many fish in the pond

  • A high fish population in relation to the size of the pond degrades the water quality.
  • Fish excrement pollutes the water and forms more nutrients than that pond plants can convert.
  • Always make sure that only a few fish live in the pond.

Prevent bases for algae formation

  • Remove dead plant parts and leaves from the pond in spring! Rotting parts of plants provide a lot of food for algae.
  • Do not put too much fish food in the pond! Fish food that is rich in fiber in particular promotes the formation of filamentous algae.
  • Sufficient planting of the pond with plants that help to break down the nutrients.
  • Evergreen aquatic plants ensure that the water is cleaned all year round.

Editor's conclusion

Countless pond owners fight thread algae every year. The pond is often simply too small or too shallow to be able to establish a biological balance. It is therefore important to make plans and build correctly before laying out the pond. If you want to use fish and overwinter in them, you have to pay attention to a few things when you create them. Likewise are several pond zones ideal. The right system and planting and a suitable filter system can prevent an algae plague.

If algae do appear, they can be fished off. Shading the pond can also help. The simplest and cheapest is an awning. Otherwise you just have to know that a pond in the garden involves a lot of work. But its beauty makes up for it in abundance.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

Learn more about algae in the pond

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Get rid of green algae in the aquarium properly

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