Caring for the "Limelight" panicle hydrangea »This is how it thrives best

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Do I have to water the "Limelight" panicle hydrangea a lot?

Like all Hydrangeas also needs that Panicle hydrangea "Limelight" a lot of water, in particular in sunny locations.

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  • When do you have to cut the "Limelight" hydrangea?
  • Hydrangea "Limelight" tolerates sunny locations
  • "Limelight" hydrangea - the more radical the cut, the larger the flowers

Should I water “Limelight” better with rainwater or tap water?

There Panicle hydrangeas are very sensitive to lime, watering with soft rainwater would make sense. But you can also fill up tap water and leave it to stand for a few hours.

How can I use the panicle hydrangea "Limelight" best to fertilize?

Mulching You “Limelight” in autumn with a thick layer of bark mulch, in spring with ripe, mixed compost and, if necessary, some peat. Even Cattle manure(€ 18.79 at Amazon *) is very suitable for hydrangeas. Fertilize If necessary, the plant with a special Hydrangea fertilizer respectively. Fertilizer for rhododendrons or azaleas.

Does the "Limelight" hydrangea also thrive in the bucket?

"Limelight" is ideally suited for bucket culture.

How often should a "Limelight" hydrangea grown in a tub be repotted?

Hydrangeas should be repotted about every one to two years, whereby the size of the planter depends on the size of the plant. Since "Limelight" can be pruned heavily, it does not necessarily get very large in the bucket.

Can I transplant a "Limelight" panicle hydrangea that has been planted out?

Yes, being the best Time to transplant either late summer / early autumn or early spring, before the plant sprouts.

When and how is the "Limelight" hydrangea cut?

As with all panicle hydrangeas, the Cut back also with "Limelight" in spring, usually between mid-March and early April. The plant can be radical - i. H. up to 15 to 20 centimeters above the ground - be cut back.

My "Limelight" hydrangea is not blooming, why is that?

If panicle hydrangeas do not bloom, it is usually in the wrong location. In contrast to other hydrangea species, panicle hydrangeas like "Limelight" are not shade-friendly.

Is the Limelight panicle hydrangea hardy?

"Limelight" is very hardy and does not need winter protection.

Tips & Tricks

Due to its frost resistance, a panicle hydrangea "Limelight" can also be grown outdoors overwinter, but in a sheltered location and possibly with a light one Winter protection.