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Do I have to water delphinium regularly?

During the growing season, you should water regularly, especially on hot days and in dry periods.

also read

  • Protect delphiniums in the bucket from snail damage
  • Organically fertilize delphinium - but how?
  • Larkspur often blooms a second time

How often should delphinium be fed with fertilizer?

Take care of your delphinium about every two to three weeks with one Liquid fertilizer for flowering plants. However, this measure is only necessary if your Garden soil is not very nutritious. If, on the other hand, you have very dark, humus-rich garden soil, you should fertilize with compost, humus Etc. at the beginning of the season and another after the summer cut are sufficient.

Should the delphinium flowering shoots be sustained?

When the flower stems form, you need them Support with bamboo tubes or other sticks. Only dwarf varieties can do without support.

What is the best way to cut delphinium?

Young perennials are best thinned to two or three flower stems so that the plants do not exhaust themselves from overflowing. On the other hand, you can leave five to seven flower stems on older, established plants. Otherwise, the delphinium will turn up in autumn after the second bloom

cut back just above the ground.

Can I stimulate the delphinium to bloom a second time?

Yes, because plants that have been strongly cut back immediately after flowering develop in September / October often a second pile. To do this, cut off the bloomed flower stems to just above the ground.

How does delphinium reproduce?

As Delphinium is best multiplied depends on the variety. Basically an increase is through sowing in spring (attention, delphinium is a cold germ!) as well as through division in early spring or autumn and through half-woody cuttings.

Is delphinium particularly susceptible to certain pests or diseases?

Larkspur is prone to eating snails (especially the shoot must be protected from snails!), Real ones mildew, Spider mites, Leaf miners and rust fungi. The delphinium mosaic virus occurs occasionally. Usually, however, prepare voracious snails and powdery mildew most common problems.

Can you also cultivate delphinium in a bucket?

With sufficient nutrient supply (i.e. Slow release fertilizer and regular applications of liquid fertilizers) thrives Delphinium in the bucket too. A bucket culture is particularly useful if the soil in the garden is unsuitable or snails are a major problem.

Can I transplant delphiniums that have been planted out?

Yes, it is also possible to transplant older specimens without any problems. If such a measure is necessary, you can also use the opportunity to split it up.

Is delphinium hardy?

More planted in the garden Delphinium is absolutely hardy.

How is delphinium overwintered?

No special protective measures need to be taken to overwinter perennial larkspurs. Only with one to two year old varieties should you leave the faded inflorescences so that the plants can sow themselves.

Tips & Tricks

Not only protect against snails Slug pellets(€ 7.43 at Amazon *) and other chemical helpers, but also thickly scattered around the plant Sawdust. Also dry Mulch(€ 239.00 at Amazon *) from crumbled horsetail, snails are reluctant to overcome. The silicon-containing herb also prevents fungal diseases (e.g. B. Powdery mildew).