Cauliflowers: New, old & resistant varieties

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Cauliflower is very multifaceted: We show tried and tested, resistant and new (F1) varieties of cauliflower. Seeds can be conveniently ordered on the Internet.

Cauliflower seedlings in pots
Cauliflower seedlings in P9 pots [Photo: Mont592 /]

The numerous varieties of the Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) differ mainly in taste, color and harvest time.
Before deciding on a strain, you should know when you will be using the Cultivation of cauliflower want to start and when you would like to harvest. This helps a lot in choosing the right strain.

A general distinction is made between white and colored cauliflowers:

  • White varieties of cauliflower: These varieties are among the most widely sold and cultivated varieties in Germany, both in the private garden and in commercial cultivation.
  • Colored varieties of cauliflower: Not very popular in Germany despite the significantly higher vitamin content. But especially in Italy, the brightly colored heads are in great demand. The outer leaves do not completely cover the cauliflower head, which is why color pigments are formed when exposed to sunlight. The taste is a lot more intense than conventional cauliflowers and is therefore definitely worth a try.
Young cauliflower plant in the bed
After being planted in the bed, the young cauliflower plant really gives gas as it grows [Photo: Al.geba /]

You can order cauliflower seeds from local gardening shops or from us online. In addition to the differences in color, the heads also vary in size, storage and harvest time. We have listed some proven varieties for you below:

  • alpha: early ripening with very good taste; beautiful white heads.
  • Alverda: Inflorescences are very light green; great taste.
  • Burt (F1): typical winter cauliflower with compact, large and white flowers; the binders usually completely envelop the flowers.
  • Cheddar (F1): new variety with orange flowers; contain particularly high levels of beta-carotene.
  • Clapton (F1): Resistance to coronet; well suited for summer and autumn cultivation; big white heads.
  • Di Sicilia Violetto: Variety from Italy with purple heads; Extremely popular in southern Europe because of its intense and aromatic taste.
  • Erfurt dwarf: very robust variety; can be planted very early; slightly smaller heads; low demands regarding the cultivation.
  • Fremont (F1): very late variety with good stress and disease tolerance; big white heads.
  • Grafitti: purple variety of cauliflower; can be grown in summer and winter; very good taste; the cabbage turns green during cooking; the purple cauliflower heads can also be used raw in raw vegetable salads.
  • Igloory: Tried and tested variety for cultivation almost all year round; lush pure white flowers; the first few days with night frost are not a problem.
  • Multi Head (F1): early variety that also has flowers next to the main flower on the side branches; an early harvest of the main flower supports the growth of the side flowers; a special variety that, due to its growth, can be harvested several times, similar to broccoli.
  • Neckar pearl: Variety suitable for growing at different times of the year; medium-sized, brilliant white flowers.
  • Optimist (F1): late variety with large, white and rounded cauliflower heads.
  • Palla De Neve: coveted variety from Italy especially recommended for growing in autumn; large and white flowers.
  • Rosalind: Variety with a cultivation time from summer to autumn; exquisite coloring of the medium-sized flowers; the ripe heads are reddish in color (partly red-violet); high proportion of vitamins C and A.
  • Violetta di Sicilia: Variety glows purple; the cabbage turns green as it cooks.
  • Walcheren winter: very hardy variety; Sow in July and April; it is advisable to use a protective fleece, especially overnight; It doesn’t tolerate colder than -12 degrees.

Once you've decided on a variety of cauliflower, the next step is to grow it in your own garden. How to do the Growing cauliflower you can find out in our special article.

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