This is how a professional pruning takes place

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Vigorous pruning in autumn

The autumn pruning is carried out before the first frost, ideally around mid to late October, and is quite radical. All leaves, flowers and buds are removed so that only the bare skeleton remains. In the end, you will also shorten this by about half to two thirds. The reason for this deforestation is that the plant loses little moisture in winter, does not have to be watered and still does not dry out. In addition, this cut minimizes the Danger from bacteria and fungi.

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  • In March / April: Repot the wintered geraniums
  • Properly treat geraniums with pest infestation
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Another cut back in spring

Despite the radical autumn pruning, a second pruning is often required in spring due, in which you Geiltriebe - these are long, thin and powerless new shoots - remove. Horny shoots arise when the plant receives too little light and nutrients, as is usual in winter. No flowers can develop on these shoots, and they will wither over the course of the summer and form a gateway for bacteria and other germs.

How to recognize dead shoots

You should also remove dead plant parts when pruning in spring, although you should proceed with caution. Older, lignified geranium shoots in particular often look dead, but are not. So that you don't accidentally cut back the wrong stems, if in doubt you should be on the safe side and test the supposedly dead shoots:

  • Take the dubious shoot between two fingers
  • and press gently.
  • Living urges feel solid
  • dead ones, on the other hand, are soft and often rotten.
  • If you are not sure, just cut a small piece off.
  • If the instinct is juicy inside, it is alive.
  • Dead shoots also look dried up from the inside
  • and are mostly hollow inside.

Don't forget to cut your roots

In the course of the spring pruning, not only the above-ground shoots but also the roots are cut back vigorously. Generously remove fibrous, thin roots, as well as putrid and dead areas. You should also cut back the main and stem roots a little. This measure thins and rejuvenates the rhizome; also ensures that new roots are strongly stimulated to grow - the above-ground parts of the plant grow all the more vigorously and more beautifully.


In addition to the pruning measures described, you should also regularly break out or remove any that has faded. cut away. In this way you not only minimize the risk of disease, but also ensure that the plant invests its energy in developing new flowers.