Gardening of all kinds Archives

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gardeningMost people want a garden with lovingly planted beds, borders blooming all over, a small lawn and a cozy seating area. So that the practical side is not neglected, an area of ​​the garden should be reserved for self-grown Reserved vegetables, aromatic herbs, the compost heap and maybe a tool shed become. Gardening begins with healthy, vigorous plants. While in the past new plants were obtained from seeds or cuttings, today there is a wide range available from nurseries, garden centers and plant mail-order companies. Visit and for tips on choosing the best plants and where to buy them.

Gardening also includes laying curbs or setting mowing edges. Whichever material you choose depends on the one hand on the price (including delivery costs and possibly the cost of a suitable foundation), on the other side of your craftsmanship and the style of the garden.

Find tips for the right edging with us. As a rule of thumb, you can remember the following: The fewer different materials that are used, the better the effect. A cohesive overall impression is created when the decorative borders harmoniously complement the material of the house and the terrace.

If you want to decoratively frame garden beds or paths, you will find a large range of different materials in specialist shops, which are offered in a wide variety of price ranges. Wherever two areas, earth or hard surface, meet, the transition can be embellished with a border.

Be enchanted by our ideas and get inspiration from A bed can also be divided individually with plastic-coated decorative grids. For this purpose, the grid elements are fully or partially sunk into the ground. Then each field is planted with plants that bloom in different colors and thus fill up areas of the same color.

Vegetable patch with digging fork

Home editorial office

8 minutes

Laying out a garden – you should observe these guidelines

A well-kept garden is a real eye-catcher that enhances the house and property even more. When buying a property or...

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garden editorial

6 minutes

Find water veins: At what depth does groundwater come?

A well on your own property must be connected to the groundwater. Where this is located is not always...

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garden editorial

8 minutes

Build your own dowsing rod DIY instructions

Dowsing rods have been a working method for finding water and other things in our environment for centuries. With little...

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garden editorial

4 minutes

Lawn pavers: how does lawn repair work?

Bald spots or gaps in the lawn are a thorn in the side of many lawn owners. However, overseeding is considered...

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garden editorial

7 minutes

Build a Frisian wall yourself | Costs for a Frisian wall

The Friesenwall is used to separate gardens and flower beds from neighboring properties. It is aesthetic and offers a living space...

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Garden planning online

Home editorial office

6 minutes

Improve your income with gardening - is that possible?

If you put a lot of time, energy and love into your garden and this then also has the corresponding successes in...

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garden editorial

6 minutes

Retaining wall made of gabions, concrete or prefabricated parts - the optimal material

Gabions, L-bricks and concrete walls are certainly terms that a master mason has long been familiar with. But if a plant lover has to deal with it, good...

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garden editorial

8 minutes

Create an earth wall and plant properly - 8 tips to make it a success

Laying out and planting a mound of earth is costly, but unavoidable on many plots of land. If you know how...

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garden editorial

10 mins

Build a wall of ruins in the garden yourself - this is how an antique wall works

Building a wall of ruins in the garden yourself is comparatively easy - if you have the necessary knowledge. She can...

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garden editorial

9 minutes

Build a retaining wall - effort and costs for a garden wall

A retaining wall in the garden is ideal for securing raised beds, terraces and slopes. You worry...

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garden editorial

9 minutes

Slope fixing: How to fix a slope/hill in the garden

Slopes are unavoidable for many plots of land. Most of the time, the slope or embankment has to be in front of a...

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Home editorial office

8 minutes

Have a hedge trimmed: all costs and prices at a glance

Do you have hedges in your garden that could use a trim? Trimming hedges can prove to be time and...

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garden editorial

9 minutes

Overgrown garden: Prepare and create a new wild garden

Many families want a house with a garden. But what if the garden completely overgrown after the purchase...

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garden editorial

7 minutes

Build a sandstone wall: this is how you build and grout sandstone correctly

Sandstone has been popular as a building material for thousands of years because it is common. Even in ancient times, the...

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garden editorial

7 minutes

Lawn mowing edge: How to lay a mowing edge correctly - instructions

If you want to have a beautiful, well-kept garden, you usually cannot avoid a lawn mowing edge. She doesn't care...

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garden editorial

9 minutes

Gabion stones: which size to choose? Calculate filling quantities correctly

The use of gabion stones as a fence replacement is becoming increasingly popular as the stones provide a sturdy and attractive accent to the...

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drilling a garden well

garden editorial

7 minutes

Costs and schedule of a well drilling

You can have your own natural irrigation water at any time, free of charge. That sounds for every gardener, every gardener...

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garden editorial

10 mins

Instructions: Build and grout your own sandstone wall

Building and grouting a sandstone wall yourself is possible for every do-it-yourselfer, even for beginners...

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garden editorial

12 minutes

DIY Lawn Grid – Laying concrete grass pavers

Grass pavers made of concrete are no longer only available in the simple honeycomb shape, but in various beautiful designs...

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terrace tiles

garden editorial

12 minutes

Instructions: Lay granite slabs outdoors

Granite is a great material: available in a wide variety of colors and always beautiful, easy to care for and durable. Granite slabs have...

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