Strawberries »They like this soil best

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The best garden soil for wonderful strawberries

In the interaction of all Location factors The soil plays a central role in the cultivation of strawberries. The Garden soil be structured like this:

  • loose, humus soil with a low proportion of sand
  • rich in nutrients, fresh and moist, but without waterlogging
  • ideally a pH value between 6 and 7

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In no case is a soil on which strawberries have been cultivated in the previous four years. In such a location the risk of Pests So high in the ground that an extension is not under a good star. An excessively acidic soil value also has a negative effect. If the pH value is below 5.5, limescale is applied accordingly.

Preparation optimizes plant growth

Experienced hobby gardeners don't just rely on the good quality of their garden soil. You prepare the clod in advance for the strawberry plants. That's how it's done:

  • Legumes, new potatoes, mustard or leeks are preferably planted in preculture
  • a few weeks beforehand, the soil is deeply enriched with compost and well-rotted manure
  • alternatively 2 weeks before planting of strawberries incorporate commercially available humus fertilizer into the bed

If possible, strawberries should not be planted in freshly dug soil. Give that Garden soil therefore at least 14 days to sit down. An even longer waiting time should be allowed for when the plants are in a Raised bed be settled. Since up to five layers of the most varied of materials are layered on top of one another, a resting phase of at least 4 weeks is recommended.

Tips & Tricks

A previously sown soil leaves the ultimately prepared soil Green manure. Even the compacted soil of a new building plot loosens up green manure plants and enriches it with valuable nutrients. Strawberries particularly benefit from lupins, sweet peas, Tagetes or tried-and-tested mixtures, such as Tempo-Green or Garden Doctor.

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