Monstera ∗ The 10 best care tips (window leaf)

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Origin and Distribution

Monstera deliciosa is a species of the genus Monstera (window leaves) comprising around 50 other species within the family of the arum family (Araceae). The popular houseplant with its large, conspicuously slotted leaves is at home in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. Here the plant first germinates on the ground, and then climbs along the huge trunks up high into the giant crowns of the giants of the jungle.

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How many species of this genus there actually are, nobody can say for sure. The estimates amount to around 30 to even 60 different variants, with some - including ours in particular popular Monstera deliciosa - spreading rapidly in climatically favorable areas and sometimes even fought by human hands Need to become. For example, invasive populations can be found in the south of the USA, but also in India and others Asian countries, in Australia and in some regions of the western Mediterranean such as Morocco or Portugal.


Already at the beginning of the 19th In the 19th century, the first specimens of Monstera deliciosa came to Europe from Mexico. A few decades later, the species was already in culture in numerous European nurseries. Monstera had its heyday as a houseplant for normal people in the 1970s and 1980s, however For some years now, there has been a renewed return to this easy-care and attractive decorative leaf plant sense. The window leaf is not only interesting as a decorative leaf plant for the living room at home, its stylized leaf can also be found as an art and decorative object on numerous objects again.

Due to its tropical origin, the Monstera is only suitable as a houseplant or plant. is cultivated in tropical winter gardens and greenhouses.

Appearance and stature

In its natural location, the climbing plant, which is what the Monstera is, can easily reach the highest treetops. In cultivation, however, the window leaf grows upright to a height of about three meters. The long aerial roots, with the help of which the plant can anchor itself to any substrate, are also characteristic. These can be other plants such as the jungle trees already mentioned, but also rock walls or, in the case of indoor culture, special climbing and climbing aids. As soon as the aerial roots hit earth, they penetrate there and anchor themselves in it. They then take over the normal function of roots and absorb water and nutrients. The fleshy, also very long shoots of the Monstera, on the other hand, are not stable on their own and need a support.

Which climbing aid is suitable for the Monstera?

So that the plant can also follow its natural growth behavior in the living room, it needs a reliable climbing aid. Of course, you can offer her one made of wood or metal, although her aerial roots do not always find a secure hold on its smooth surface. A so-called moss stick, which you can buy in any hardware store or garden center, is more suitable. This is often a thick rod made of plastic or some other robust material that is wrapped in coconut fibers or moss.

Alternatively, you can simply redirect the aerial roots into the substrate, where they grow like normal roots and fulfill their function of supplying the plant with water and nutrients. Just do not cut off these roots.


The monstera is cultivated as a decorative houseplant because of its up to 50 centimeters long and very wide, shield-shaped leaves. The attractive foliage plant initially develops heart-shaped, entire-margined and light green leaves that their characteristic breakthroughs on the leaf edges and surfaces as well as the shiny, dark green one later obtain. The thick, leathery leaves have this unusual appearance, probably because of the slits and breakthroughs for the absorption of light by parts of plants in the more shady areas of the rainforest to enhance.

The petioles of the window leaf also have a specific peculiarity: the strikingly strong and long petioles are often pointing downwards angled ("kneeled" as the botanist says) so that the plant can literally cling to the branches and shoots of other plants with this additional climbing aid can hook.

Flowers and fruits

With good care and optimal conditions, older specimens of the window leaf can also develop flowers in indoor culture. Usually this happens with plants that are at least ten years old. The flower looks like that of Spathiphyllum or Anthurium very similar, after all, they are related species. A yellowish, long-stalked flower bulb forms, which is covered by a large, white envelope or Bract is surrounded. This flower shape is typical of the maple family (Araceae). Purple berries later develop from it, which are considered a tasty delicacy in some countries. Indeed, the fruits of Monstera are edible, but sensitive individuals should be familiar with the Withhold enjoyment: The calcium oxalate needles contained in the berries can damage the pharynx irritate.

The species Monstera deliciosa - which means “delicious window leaf” in German - is named for a reason. It forms elongated, green fruits that are not dissimilar to corn on the cob, which are edible and taste a little like pineapple. These bear the joking name "pineapple bananas" and are often sold in markets, especially in holiday destinations such as Madeira. Since these fruits, like rhubarb, contain a lot of oxalic acid, caution is advised when consuming. Not everyone can tolerate large amounts of this substance, which can irritate the mucous membranes and the digestive tract. As a rule, fruits do not develop in living room culture.


Apart from the fruits, all parts of the Monstera - from leaves to roots to flowers - are poisonous and should therefore not be consumed. In addition to oxalic acid and calcium oxalate crystals, the climbing plant contains u. a. also resorcinol and various pungent substances. Symptoms of poisoning, ranging from skin and mucous membrane irritation to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, occur in both humans and animals after consumption. To avoid hazards, the Monstera does not belong in the reach of small children and pets such as dogs, cats, rodents or even birds.

In addition, the sap can cause allergic reactions, which is why you should not carry out maintenance work (e.g. B. always wear gloves.

Which location is suitable?

As in its natural area of ​​distribution, the window leaf feels most comfortable in partially shaded to shady areas. Direct sun - especially the blazing midday sun - causes lasting damage to the attractive, green leaves and should therefore be avoided. Only in the early morning and in the evening do a few rays of sunshine ensure that the Monstera feels even more comfortable. In summer, at temperatures of more than 20 ° C, the plant can also be placed on the balcony or terrace, provided it is protected enough there. The temperature should not fall below 18 ° C in summer or winter.

When choosing a location, you should not only consider the light requirement but also the expected final size of the Monstera. This plant needs a lot of space and should ideally be placed right from the start where it can remain permanently and undisturbed for many years. Plan enough space for this, both in height and in width: One due to Lack of space (or other reasons) a change of location pleases the window leaf at all not. In this regard, the plant is a diva and should accordingly be left alone.
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Also with regard to the nature of the substrate, the Monstera feels most comfortable in a soil that corresponds to its natural site conditions. A humus-rich, loose and slightly acidic to neutral substrate, which you either mix yourself or buy, is ideal. A high quality one is well suited Rhododendron soil based on compost instead of peat. Alternatively, mix two-thirds commercial ones Compost soil with a third of Kokohum or also Perlite.(€ 35.50 at Amazon *)


In addition to the classic terrestrial, you can also easily use the Monstera in Hydroponics maintain. To do this, put the plant in vermiculite or Expanded clay(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) and use a special pot with a water level indicator. The plant substrate should be renewed every one to two years, as lime and other deposits collect in it.

Plant monstera properly

It is best to plant the Monstera in a large pot in advance so that its roots have enough space. The planter should leave at least two fingers' widths between the wall of the pot and the root ball. In addition, if possible use a pot with a drainage hole so that excess irrigation water can drain away and waterlogging does not arise in the first place. It is planted as follows:

  • Cover the drain hole with pottery shards
  • fill in part of the substrate
  • Loosen the root ball with your fingers
  • Place the plant in the middle of the container
  • Carefully insert the aerial roots into the pot
  • do not kink or otherwise injure
  • fill up with substrate
  • water well

The Monstera is properly seated in the planter when the roots are about two to three below the surface.


Younger specimens of the Monstera should be repotted annually due to their rapid growth, whereas older plants need fresh substrate about every two to three years. The best time for this project is spring.
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Pour Monstera

The Monstera feels most comfortable when the substrate is always slightly damp, but not constantly wet. Although the rainforest plant has a high demand for water, especially in the warm summer months, like most other plants, it does not tolerate permanent waterlogging. So water them regularly between April and October, but only when the top layer of the substrate has dried off. In the winter months between November and March, however, you can water much more sparingly, as the Monstera needs less water during this time.

In addition to the regular supply of water, the Monstera also needs an environment with high humidity, which is often not given, especially in winter. To remedy this, regularly spray the plant with water or place it in a bowl filled with stones and water.
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Fertilize Monstera properly

Like almost all rainforest plants, the Monstera has a very high nutrient requirement and should therefore be fertilized regularly. For this purpose, give her a liquid green plant fertilizer with the irrigation water approximately every two weeks between April and September. Alternatively, you can also use a Slow release fertilizer, for example in the form of a stick. In the remaining months between October and March, however, stop fertilizing.

Monstera sheds leaves / gets brown leaves, what to do?

If the Monstera suddenly gets brown leaf margins, it is often due to over-fertilization. This occurs when you do not apply the fertilizer in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions or when you use it undiluted. Pot the plant in fresh substrate and be sure to use the manufacturer's instructions. On the other hand, if the window leaf sheds its leaves, a lack of nutrients may be the cause.
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Cut monstera properly

Basically, the Monstera does not have to be cut back, only diseased or dead leaves should be removed. However, since the plant can get very tall in a short time, it is advisable to limit growth if necessary. To do this, simply shorten the main shoot, the side shoots can also be shaped. The window leaf does not lignify, is easy to cut and can be cut all year round. The only disadvantage: If the monstera is cut back, it does not develop any flowers.
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Propagate monstera

The clippings that arise when pruning can be used wonderfully to propagate this pretty plant. Both head and shoot cuttings as well as stem pieces are suitable for this, provided they have at least one bud. However, cuttings should always have aerial roots, as the new roots are formed on these. You can use the plant pieces both in a water glass and in a low-nutrient one Potting soil root.
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Diseases and pests

The Monstera is a robust and easy-care houseplant that is rarely attacked by pests or pathogens. Signs of illness are often the result of poor care and go away as soon as you eliminate the cause. Brown leaves, especially at the edges, as well as yellow discoloration usually indicate that the plants are kept too wet or that the fertilizer is incorrectly fertilized. Since newly expelled leaves only divide over time, the lack of leaf division represents also a sign of illness: Here the Monstera often likes the location that is too dark not.


Going on summer vacation, thanks to the aerial roots for the monstera, you can make an easy one Tinker irrigation yourself: All you need is the aerial roots in a water filled one Redirect the container.

Species and varieties

As a rule, only the Monstera deliciosa species is cultivated as a houseplant, which is also found in the following interesting cultivars:

  • 'Variegata': has conspicuously variegated leaves and needs more light than the pure green species
  • 'Borsigiana': forms rather narrow and less openwork leaves

Both varieties mentioned grow more slowly than the original form, whereby 'Variegata' needs more warmth in addition to a bright location.