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Growing a coffee plant from seeds

The seeds of the coffee plant do not germinate for very long, so they have to be sown quite fresh. If you already have a coffee plant that is already bearing fruit, then you can use its seeds after a thorough cleaning. Otherwise you will surely find what you are looking for in well-stocked specialist shops or with special mail order companies.

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The seeds will germinate more easily if they are soaked in warm water for a few hours. Then press the seeds into pots Potting soilwithout scattering more soil over it. Make your Growing pots(€ 16.68 at Amazon *) to a warm one place and always keep the soil moist, but not wet. Temperatures between 25 ° C and 30 ° C are ideal.

Propagation by cuttings

It is best to cut head cuttings from your coffee plant for propagation. You can also take appropriate clippings from the last Cut back if this has just happened. The cuttings should be about eight to ten inches long and have a few leaves.

It is best to place the cuttings individually in small pots with potting soil so that you do not have to separate the young plants with their sensitive roots again. In order for these roots to form, your cuttings need an even temperature of around 25 ° C and a high level of humidity.

To ensure both, stretch a transparent film over the pots or place them in an indoor greenhouse. Ventilate the cuttings for a few minutes a day to prevent mold from forming or the cuttings from rotting. However, there must be no drafts.

The essentials in brief:

  • Germination and cultivation temperature: approx. 25 ° C
  • ideal: warm and humid climate
  • Cut head cuttings
  • It is best to cut cuttings in spring
  • Just press the seeds down, do not cover them with soil
  • possibly use a room or mini greenhouse


For the cultivation of seeds or cuttings of the coffee plant a constant temperature and humidity is necessary. If this is not the case in your apartment, please provide the Growing pots in a small greenhouse.

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