How to do it

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Propagate anemones by dividing them

The best times for dividing anemone perennials are autumn and spring.

also read

  • Anemones - perennials or bulbous plants?
  • Propagate anemones by seeds
  • Hibernate anemones properly

If you divide the perennials in autumn, however, you must keep the newly created anemones in the house or garage frost-free overwinter. The plants cannot form enough roots to withstand the cold before the onset of winter. This also applies to actually hardy anemones.

Anemones that have been split in spring can be shared with the new ones Location plants. The prerequisite is that it is no longer freezing and the floor is already slightly warmed up. Dig a sufficiently large hole and insert the pieces of root. Then carefully step on the earth and water the anemone.

Share perennials - that's how it works!

Prick around the perennial with a Digging fork into the ground as deep as possible and loosen the roots. Then lift the plant and carefully pull it out of the ground. Be careful not to damage the long tap roots as much as possible.

With the spade divide the perennial by pricking the root into pieces. At least four to five eyes must remain on each section.

The cuts are either placed in sufficiently large pots in autumn or in the desired location in spring.

More flowers through rejuvenated perennials

By the Parts of the anemone do not just provide for a replenishment of new perennials. The downsized anemones also have more power to make many gorgeous ones blossoms to develop.

Other methods of propagating anemone perennials

  • Anemone from Seeds draw
  • Cut branches as cuttings
  • Use root cuttings
  • Cut off soil runners

Tips & Tricks

If the anemone shrub grows in a very favorable location, you can use a section in the same place again plant. In its usual place, the anemone will grow quickly and form many flowers.