Propagate ivy using cuttings

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Cut cuttings all year round

Whether you Offshoots from ivy want to grow outdoors or from your indoor ivy - cuttings almost always succeed.

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House plant cuttings can be harvested all year round. This succeeds in outdoor plants Multiplication best with cuttings cut in spring, but can also be done until early autumn without any problems.

Keep cuttings in a glass of water or plant them

As cuttings, cut young shoots about ten centimeters long. The shoots should be strong and may be slightly woody at the bottom.

  • Remove the lower leaves
  • Slightly score the stems at the bottom
  • Shoot tips possibly shorten
  • Place cuttings in a glass with tap water
  • alternatively, put cuttings in prepared pots
  • set up bright and warm

By shortening the shoot tips and scratching the stems, you can ensure that the cuttings root faster and become stronger.

Make sure that there is always enough water in the glass or that the soil is moist but not wet.

Place the cuttings at room temperature. Avoid direct sunlight on the window.

How to care for the ivy offshoots

The offshoots of your ivy will form the first ones within a few days root. With the maintenance in the water glass, you can make progress with the bare eye recognize. When growing in a pot, wait until the first new leaf buds appear.

If the roots are two to three inches long, plants The cuttings from the jar in prepared plant pots. Be careful when doing this, as the tender roots break quickly.

You can continue to care for seedlings in pots like normal house plants. Repot is only necessary when the root tips protrude from the bottom of the pot. If the offshoots are strong, you can plant them outdoors until autumn.


In the care in the garden ivy can also be propagated wonderfully by subscribers. The shoots are scratched, bent on the ground and covered with earth.