Planting gentians »A guide from A to Z

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Outdoor or in a bucket - where does gentian thrive best?

gentian can be easily grown both in the garden and in the bucket. In the care more frequent watering and winter protection must be provided in the pot.

also read

  • The flowering time of gentian depends on the variety
  • Gentian is not poisonous
  • The right location for the gentian in the garden

Which location is ideal?

  • Partially shaded, no blazing sun
  • Not too sunny
  • Loose soil

Clusius gentian is ideal for rock gardens, while Kochscher gentian grows particularly well under conifers.

What should the plant substrate be like?

Some Gentian species like the Clusius gentian need calcareous soil. Koch's gentian, on the other hand, only thrives on poor, slightly acidic soils.

The soil must be loose so that waterlogging cannot build up. The soil should be enriched with some ripe compost.

What is the planting distance?

Depending on the size of the future plant, a planting distance of 10 to 50 centimeters is ideal.

When is the best time to plant?

Plant gentian in early spring so that the plant can settle in well. You can still plant gentian in autumn. But then the perennial needs additional

Winter protection.

How long does the flowering period last?

The flowering time depends on the variety. Spring gentian begins to bloom as early as March. A second flowering is often possible in autumn.

Other varieties bloom from May to August. Autumn varieties develop their flowers from September to December.

How is gentian propagated?

the Multiplication takes place through Seeds. As a cold germinator, gentian needs cold to germinate. That is why the sowing best in autumn on the spot or directly in the pot. The seedlings are planted out in spring.

Does gentian get along with other plants?

Gentian gets along with all plants that have the same demands on the location.

Is gentian poisonous?

Blue gentian is not poisonous. Yellow varieties can be slightly poisonous because of their high bitter content in the roots.

Tips & Tricks

Gentian in the wild is threatened with extinction and is a protected species. You should therefore always buy plants for the garden from specialist gardeners.

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