Funkie »She likes this location best

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A shade-loving perennial

The origin of the Funkie lies in forests, on the edges of forests and on damp meadows. As a result, her requirements for the location are easy to fathom: She wants them to be planted in a shady to moderately partially shaded and optimally protected location. The Penumbra their tolerance zone.

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What happens in the sun

Become hostas of direct Exposure to sunlight For example, when exposed to the scorching midday sun, it is not uncommon for their leaves to fade. This is especially the case with varieties with blue foliage. The blue changes to an unspectacular green.

Also varnished white and yellow sorts should never be planted in the sun as they will lose their color there. Only green-leaved species and varieties can tolerate sunlight and keep their appearance when the soil is sufficiently moist.

The soil: moist, nutrient-rich and well-drained

The soil should mimic a good forest soil. The hostas can enjoy themselves under conifers or other tall plants planted and serve there, for example, as a pretty ground cover. The substrate should have the following properties:

  • high nutritional content
  • moderate to high humus content
  • moist environment
  • good drainage
  • fresh


Some hostas grow extremely tall. Make sure they get adequate shade not only on the ground, but also at height. Sometimes that is completely forgotten.