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Mini pond despite lack of space

Water fans who only have a limited space available at home for horticultural design do not need to hang their heads. Even if a large swimming pond can be created for the summer on very few balconies - any outdoor area, no matter how small, is enough for a mini pond! Even in Liliput front gardens there is always a place for an effective water point. Such a small installation cannot, of course, be used for a real increase in biodiversity. But for more aesthetic grace and amenity.

also read

  • For balcony romantics: a mini pond in a nostalgic zinc tub
  • Creating a mini pond: which plants are suitable?
  • Modern terrace design with water feature

Building it yourself made easy

A mini pond doesn't just mean compromising. After all, it requires far less effort, both for building it yourself and for maintaining it. With a few clever design tricks you can get amazing things out of your balcony or front yard. Here is a little guide to the most important ones Effect carrier:

  • Choose an original vessel
  • Finely structured planting combination
  • Include moving elements
  • Matching, tasteful decoration

Your individual mini pond: Instructions to make yourself

For your mini pond project, you must first decide whether you prefer the container that is recessed at ground level or the standing container variant. The second is of course only possible on the ground. For better or worse, you have to resort to the container variant on the balcony. The advantage here is that you can get a lot of effect by choosing the container. In addition, the pond can be moved if necessary, for example at a cozy 3-man barbecue party.


Basically all that are waterproof and reasonably stable are suitable as original containers. In order to get more design freedom and to prevent an unfavorable development of the water biology, the opening should of course be as large as possible. Possible ideas would be for example:

  • Tin tub
  • Wine barrel
  • Terracotta tubs

You can of course also build an individual casing made of wood or raffia yourself.

Planting instructions

When it comes to planting, self-sufficient balcony owners of course also do it themselves. A successful combination doesn't have to be complicated either. Basically only the following applies:

  • Select small and slow-growing marsh plants
  • Combine different leaf structures for an attractive effect
  • Possibly use plant baskets

In order to make your mini pond coherent, the planting should be structurally balanced. It is best to combine marsh plants that remain small, such as the dwarfCattail, the pond lentil or the water salad.

To keep the plant sections well separated from each other and to prevent uncontrolled spreading, place the different plants in plant baskets on a bed of gravel.


In addition to the natural decoration of plants and the character of a container, you can use decorative elements to get even more out of your mini pond. Moving elements such as a small, pump-operated cup figure or a pinwheel are particularly suitable here. If you like it natural, you can also experiment with a gnarled piece of branch or decorative stones.