A guide from A to Z

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Which location does the cranesbill prefer?

Depending on the type and variety, the Cranesbill at sunny, partially shaded and even shady locations to be planted. The table below gives you a selection.

also read

  • Location depends on the cranesbill species
  • Cranesbill - Suitable species for shady gardens
  • Many cranesbill varieties are suitable for ground cover

Which soil is optimal for the cranesbill?

Almost all cranesbills prefer a loamy, humus-rich soil, with some preferring it to be dry, others preferring it to be more humid.

When is the right time to plant / sow?

The cranesbill is sown or sown in spring. planted.

Which plant spacing should be kept?

The planting distance also differs depending on the type and variety considerable. The table below gives you a good overview of how many plants of a certain species you should plan for per square meter of space.

The cranesbill can do the best sowingor division increased will. For some species, vegetative propagation using cuttings is also useful.

When does the cranesbill bloom?

Most cranesbill species bloom in June / July, but there are also early-blooming and late-blooming species. By cutting back after flowering, some cranesbills can be stimulated to flower again.

Good Neighbors / Bad Neighbors

Many cranesbill species harmonize very well with roses and / or peonies.

Site requirements and planting distances at a glance

Cranesbill species Latin name Location floor Plants per square meter
Cambridge cranesbill Geranium cantabrigiense sunny to partially shaded loamy-humic 16
Gray cranesbill Geranium cinereum full sun loamy-humic, slightly alkaline 25
Clarke's cranesbill Geranium clarkei sunny to partially shaded loamy-humic, nutritious 11
Rozanne Geranium x cultorum sunny to partially shaded loamy-humic, nutritious 4
Himalayan cranesbill Geranium himalayense sunny to partially shaded loamy-humic, nutritious 8
Heart-leaved cranesbill Geranium ibericum sunny to partially shaded loamy-humic, nutritious 8
Rock cranesbill Geranium macrorrhizum sunny, partially shaded or shady loamy-humic, moderately rich in nutrients 11
Magnificent cranesbill Geranium magnificum sunny to partially shaded loamy-humic, nutritious 11
Knotty mountain forest cranesbill Geranium nodosum sunny to shady loamy-humic, moderately rich in nutrients 11
Oxford cranesbill Geranium oxonianum sunny to shady loamy-humic, moderately rich in nutrients 5
Brown cranesbill Geranium phaeum sunny to shady loamy-humic, moist 6
Armenian cranesbill Geranium psilostemon sunny loamy-humic, nutritious 3 to 5
Caucasian cranesbill Geranium renardii sunny moderately fertile, dry, slightly alkaline 11
Blood-red cranesbill Geranium sanguineum sunny loamy-humic, moderately rich in nutrients 7 to 16
Siberian cranesbill Geranium wlassovianum sunny to partially shaded dry, humic 8


Many hybrids such as “Rozanne”, “Nimbus”, “Orion” or “Salome” offer an exceptionally long flowering period.