Are they poisonous?

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Hydrangea toxins

the hydrangea contains various toxins in relatively weak concentrations:

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Hydrocyanic acid glycosides

All parts of the hydrangea plant contain hydrocyanic acid in varying concentrations. This active ingredient destroys the red blood cells so that oxygen is no longer transported. In high doses, it triggers cramps and attacks of suffocation. In the worst case scenario, death from heart failure can result.

Hydrangin, hydrangenol and saponins

These toxins are particularly found in the leaves and flower buds of the hydrangea. The active ingredients cause anxiety and dizziness when consumed in large quantities. They also cause contact allergies in sensitive people.

How dangerous is the plant for children and pets?

The concentration of toxins in all parts of the plant is relatively low, so that planted as ornamental trees Hydrangeas are rather harmless. Since the leaves and flowers taste bitter when chewed, children are not at risk either.

Healing effect

It is interesting that the hydrangea is considered a valuable medicinal plant in its original home. There the root Used as a remedy for bladder and stone problems as well as cystitis and prostate discomfort. A mother tincture with the active ingredient of hydrangea is also used in homeopathy.

Tips & Tricks

Despite the relatively low concentration of toxins in the hydrangea, as with all plants, you should make sure that small children playing in the garden do not nibble on the hydrangea. If your child or pet has accidentally eaten parts of plants, it is advisable to consult your family doctor or veterinarian as a precaution.