Here's how to properly protect it

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Protect from frost and moisture in the first winter - this is how it works

In proportion to the degree of rooting, a stable winter hardiness builds up on the young spherical maple. Under normal conditions, this process is largely complete by the end of the second year of standing. In the first year of standing, it is therefore advisable to protect the tree from freezing frost and permanent winter wetness. How to do it right:

  • Following the autumn planting cover the root disc with leaves, coniferous twigs or compost
  • Alternatively the Tree grate cover with a centrally perforated coconut disc (winter protection disc)

also read

  • Skilfully cutting spherical maple into shape - tips for topiary cutting
  • How does a spherical maple grow? - data on growth
  • Fertilizing spherical maple - when and how to do it correctly

The protective layer is removed as soon as the thermometer exceeds freezing point for several days. Otherwise, condensation could form, which increases the risk of fungal infections.

Have shade nets ready - more important in winter than in summer

If winter comes with a combination of freezing cold and bright sunshine, a shading net should be close at hand. Under the influence of fluctuating temperatures there is a risk of frost cracks in the bark. So wrap the crown in a breathable mesh. Use reed mats or to shade the trunk Garden fleece. If you have to go quickly, simply place wooden boards in front of the spherical maple.

Water when it is cold

A spherical maple suffers damage as a result of drought stress more often in winter than in summer. The mostly flat roots are denied access to the water faster in the frozen ground than deep-rooted trees. If there is no snow or rain for a long time, the water reserves in the cable tracks are quickly exhausted in sunny winter weather. In dry winter weather, water a spherical maple regularly on frost-free days.


in the bucket a spherical maple is vulnerable to frost every winter. Wrap the pot with winter fleece or Coconut mats(€ 21.90 at Amazon *) and place the vessel on a block of wood. Please do not forget to water the tree occasionally on frost-free days so that the root ball does not dry out.

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