When can they be collected?

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Harvest season

The black one elder has a particularly long season due to its versatility. The flowering period of this species extends from May to July, while its fruits are ready to be harvested from August to September. Flowers and berries provide ingredients for the kitchen.

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  • How to harvest elderberries with skill
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Elderberry thrives here

In Central Europe, Sambucus nigra is one of the most common shrub species. The wood is undemanding and robust, which is advantageous for its wide distribution. The frost-hardy plant prefers partially shaded conditions and grows on medium-heavy or sandy soils. They are ideally high in nitrogen and offer fresh conditions. Weakly acidic clay soils are a perfect basis for growth. The elder is a typical species on weed meadows, in forest clearings or on roadsides.


If you want to cultivate the shrub yourself in the garden, you can do so in midsummer Cut cuttings. These should be about four inches long and not completely lignified. Cut all leaves in half to reduce water loss. Place the shoots in a glass of water in a light and warm place. After a few weeks, the first roots will show up so that you can cultivate the young plants in pots.

Planting out

The uncomplicated plant can be planted in the garden until winter sets in. Loosen the subsoil down to the deeper layers and improve it with compost. Put the young plants in the ground and press the substrate into place. Water the plant well and ensure a regular water supply for the first year.


Cloth bags and wicker baskets are ideal for that Harvesting the elderflower umbels, because this is where the plant parts are stored loosely and well ventilated. Condensation quickly forms in lockable collecting containers and the quality drops.

How to do it right:

  • Do not break off the cones, but cut them off with scissors
  • Gently shake or tap stems to remove insects
  • Proceed extremely carefully so that the pollen does not fly away

The ideal time

The flowers are particularly aromatic when the shrub has been allowed to enjoy dry and sunny weather for a few days. Pick the flower umbels in the morning or forenoon, because the taste intensity decreases again during the course of the day. Rain washes out the pollen so that the aroma is less intense. In addition, moisture promotes mold growth.


Let the flowers soak in milk, sift the plant parts and whip up a mass of egg yolk and sugar. Add this to the simmering elderflower milk and add whipped cream after cooling. In the freezer, the mixture freezes to form elderflower ice cream.

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