Hibernate tuberous begonias: Instructions + information on driving

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Tuberous begonias, Begonia tuberhybrida
Tuberous begonias, Begonia tuberhybrida

table of contents

  • Overwinter
  • Best time
  • Tools and materials
  • Wintering instructions
  • Driving instructions

Tuberous begonias are tropical plants that have become classics in the garden or on the balcony in recent decades. Their picturesque flowers and characteristic scent, which can vary from variety to variety, are what make them so popular. The care of the Begonia tuberosa can be carried out without any problems and the plant can even manage with little light. However, the plant is not hardy and has to hibernate in a special way.


Best time

The time to overwinter the Tuberous begonias is extremely important because they die off from a temperature of 0 ° C and can no longer be preserved until the following year. For this reason, you must not miss the point in time from which the tuberous begonias have to be overwintered. You have to Weather report follow closely so that the plants can be prepared before the first frost. You have to be particularly careful when you live in mountainous regions, because temperatures in the Ore Mountains, for example, can fall below 0 ° C as early as the end of August. The first frosts in Saarland will not show up until mid-October.

Tuberous begonias, Begonia tuberhybrida
Tuberous begonias, Begonia tuberhybrida

Tools and materials

the Preparations for the winter quarters must be implemented accordingly and for this you need the right utensils. The following list gives an overview of the necessary materials and tools for preparing the winter quarters and driving the tuberous begonias in late winter.

  • Secateurs
  • paint brush
  • Fruit boxes (small) or similar containers: amount depends on the amount of tubers to be overwintered
  • Newsprint
  • Fresh substrate for wintering: dry, low in nutrients
  • Flower pots for the begonias: the cleaned ones from the previous year are ideal for this
  • Fresh substrate for growing: according to the requirements of the tuberous begonias
Use secateurs as a sharp cutting tool
Use secateurs as a sharp cutting tool

Pay attention to the Secateurs make sure that it is cleaned before use. Be sure to disinfect the scissors if you have previously used them on a diseased plant.

Tip: You can save yourself high acquisition costs if you buy the tubers of Begonia tuberosa annually overwinter and prefer, regardless of whether the varieties are hanging or particularly large-flowered grow. The reason for this: You don't have to keep buying new tubers, you can buy those from the previous year simply reuse, which is cheaper in the long run and the flowers end up sprouting stronger and larger leaves.

Wintering instructions

Hibernating tuberous begonias: instructions

Before you can start wintering, you need to find the right one Winter quarters Select. This should have a temperature of around 8 ° C throughout winter and it must never drop below 0 ° C. Cellars or unheated rooms that do not fluctuate in temperature are best for this. It should also be possible to ventilate when it is frost-free outside. Of the basement, cellar is particularly suitable because the temperature does not change much there and the tubers can rest undisturbed. As soon as you have found a suitable room, follow these instructions in order to transport the Begonia tuberhybrida tubers safely to their winter quarters.

Tuberous begonias, Begonia tuberhybrida
Tuberous begonias, Begonia tuberhybrida

1. Reduce that Irrigation water from the beginning of September, in cooler regions as early as mid-August. This is important because it prevents the plants from growing too quickly and all of the energy accumulates in the tubers while the shoots, leaves and flowers die off. If you continue to grow for too long, your vigor will suffer in the following year.

2. Before the first frost, start the upper parts of the plant parts of the tuberous begonias thoroughly with the Secateurs to remove. This is done in the same way for each variety, regardless of whether it grows hanging or upright. Now shorten this back to about two centimeters above the ground.

3. Check that out Plant pulp the stem. If it looks fresh, you can use the tuber. If even one of the stems is rotten or dried up, the entire tuber must be disposed of. Be particularly careful with this step, because the rotten tubers in particular continue to rot over the winter and can even infect the other tubers.

4. Now loosen the as carefully as possible Tubers from the earth. The shoot approaches could break off at this step, so you need to be extra careful not to let this happen. These are important for the flowers so that they can develop new shoots in the next year.

5. Next must be the rest of the Earth removed from the tubers. To do this, use the brush and thoroughly clean the surface of the persistence organs. If you are lucky, the substrate will be dry which will make this step easier. Before the next step, you need to check the tubers for pests or mold and discard any affected ones.

6. put a Fruit crate with newspaper and fill in the fresh soil. The tuberous begonias are now placed in the ground with the shoots facing upwards and, if necessary, provided with signs indicating the variety or color.

7. Now transport the tubers to the for this purpose designated spaceby allowing the blooming beauties to enjoy their well-deserved winter rest.

8. Pour during the Hibernation No way. Regularly moisten the tubers lightly with a spray bottle so that they do not dry out completely and can be pulled forward immediately after the winter.

9. Finally, dispose of the Plant parts and tubers on the compost. Infested tubers, on the other hand, in household waste.

Tip: Avoid using gloves to avoid damaging the extremely sensitive tubers. If you have to use gloves, use gloves that are as thin as possible.

Tuberous begonias, Begonia tuberhybrida
Tuberous begonias, Begonia tuberhybrida

Driving instructions

Driving tuberous begonias: Instructions

Driving or Prefer after overwintering ensures that the tuberous begonias bloom for a longer period of time. The best time to move forward is from February, as enough light will be available from this month.

The driving succeeds as follows:

1. Prepare individual pots or Planter for the tubers. The substrate should meet the requirements of the plants and be fresh in any case.

2. Now carefully take the Tubers individually from the cellar and place them in the fresh substrate with the dent facing up. Moisten them sufficiently and place the pots in a warm and bright place. Here you can help with plant lights when the sun is only sparse.

3. As soon as first leaves trained, you should fertilize in the usual way.

4. The tuberous begonias can only go outside after the Ice Saints, as late frost is no longer to be expected afterwards. So every year you will have new fun with your Begonia tuberosa with large flowers or hanging.

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