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Cockroach bites - title

Everyone knows them, many fear them - cockroaches. They love trash and dark corners, but they also bite ...

Cockroach larvae recognize - title

Cockroaches are associated with disgust for many people. They are widespread all over the world and are extremely resilient. Preferred ...

Sowing chives - time - title

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) are indispensable in the kitchen. Usually the herb is propagated by division, but can also ...

Preserving Peonies Buds - Title

Peonies are very popular as cut flowers, even for wedding jewelry. This is not the only reason why the question of possibilities arises ...

Recognize and fight amber cockroach - title

If you discover an amber cockroach in the house, you are terrified. But do not worry, it is harmless. We show, ...

Willow species - title

Willows belong to the group of deciduous trees. They can grow up to 30 meters high as a tree, but also grow as a ...

Recognize cockchafer larva - title

The cockchafer larva is one of the most dangerous pests in the garden, as it mainly grows from plant roots ...

What is humus earth - title

Humus soil or humus soil is an important prerequisite for strong and healthy plants to thrive. But what is ...

Birch pollen calendar - title

Spring is coming and the birch will also sprout again and form a multitude of pretty flowers, which ...

Is flowering rosemary edible - title

With good care, rosemary impresses in spring with light purple lip flowers. They magically attract bees. Is more blooming ...

Sweet Potato Season - Title

Sweet potatoes are becoming increasingly popular in this country. Since they are grown in many regions of the world, the tubers in the supermarket ...

Parsnip Cultivation - Title

The parsnip was almost forgotten. Today it is popular with housewives and celebrity chefs alike. The root vegetables ...

Recognize marten breeding - title

A marten in the garden can pose many problems. How to make the visit to the animal and the associated ...

Pollen calendar - title

Pollen count triggers severe allergic reactions in many people. In order to minimize the discomfort caused by hay fever ...

Squirrel wanted poster - title

Squirrels often live as a culture follower in urban parks and gardens, where they are busily ...

Drying pampas grass - title

Pampas grass has established itself as a new design trend for an exciting ambience. The stalks can be harvested yourself without any problems ...

Identify bats - title

Unfortunately, bats still have a bad reputation, and they are very fascinating animals. Many species also live in ...

Can you feed birds with bread - title

A highlight as a child: feeding birds on the pond with bread. But is that good for ...

hardy and evergreen shrubs - titles

Evergreen shrubs belong in every normal garden. When all the flowers have withered and the autumn wind blows the ...

Recognize meadow mushrooms - title

The meadow mushroom (Agaricus campestris), also known as field or meadow gerling, is an edible mushroom. It's very tasty, but ...

blue wooden bee - title

Throughout the summer you can watch bees, bumblebees and other insects foraging for food. Again and again there is a ...

Fighting Sciarid Mosquitoes - Title

Sciarid gnats (Sciaridae) can be extremely annoying, but they do not cause any harm themselves. The real plant pods ...

Cutting willow - time - title

When cutting a willow, success depends on the right time. The right date helps to solve possible problems ...

Storing Potatoes - Title

Potatoes are very popular as a side dish and they are easy to grow in the garden. But what to do with the harvest and ...

Green pond, fighting algae - title

To rid the pond of old people, you do not need to resort to chemical means. An old home remedy to get ...

Sowing radishes - title

Sowing radishes is very easy as long as the right time, spacing and depth are observed. ...

Recognize marten tracks - title

Animal tracks are particularly easy to see in the snow. Marten tracks have characteristic features and are therefore good from cats and ...

Wintering Vanilla Flower - Title

Hibernating the vanilla flower is not difficult in itself. But it is hardy and what has to be done in the cold season ...

Identify insect eggs - title

Most insects are determined by shape, color and size. If they have hatched, it is with pests ...

What do bats eat - title

What native bats eat and how they prey on their food depends on the species in question. Because the ...

Create deep bed - title

Poor yields and malformed root vegetables result from poor soil conditions. You can remedy this by creating a deep bed ...

Raspberries with root barrier - title

Raspberry bushes promise rich yields and are therefore missing in a few gardens. However, the raspberries grow regularly ...

Hibernate olive tree - title

Olive trees are one of the most popular plants in Mediterranean gardening projects. To keep the olive tree safe through the cold season ...

Fight Fleas - Title

The little bloodsuckers are real nuisances not for humans, but also for animals. Therefore it is important ...

Marten protection - title

Scratch marks on the roof and noise throughout the night. Martens are showy animals. To give them access to ...

Moisture barrier in the garden shed - title

When planning a garden shed, it is necessary to incorporate a moisture barrier. It protects the substructure from rising damp ...

How long do fleas survive in clothes? - title

The very thought of a flea makes it itchy. Usually the annoying insects arrive with pets or used ...

Eucalyptus leaves dry up - title

Suddenly the leaves on the eucalyptus begin to dry up. As soon as the first signs are there, you should react ...

Raccoon dog droppings - title

Originally from Asia, the raccoon dog is also native to us. Often the dog-related ...

Winter vegetables in the raised bed

Growing vegetables in raised beds is a very good alternative to classic vegetable beds. This type of cultivation can be used all year ...

Raised bed use in winter - title

Whether in the garden, terrace or balcony - a raised bed offers real added value. However, the raised planting bed is often also in winter ...

Guess a day in the garden - title

Rats are intelligent rodents. They belong to the cultural followers of humans and appear increasingly in their vicinity. ...

What is allowed on the compost title

Only certain types of waste are allowed so that the individual components on your compost can easily rot. A big ...

Tomato leaves curl up - title

Tomato leaves roll up. This is a common and recurring problem. As long as diseases and pests do not ...

Fatty food for birds - title

Especially in winter, the natural sources of food for the native bird life are insufficient. We show how you ...

Bushes with red leaves - title

With the beginning of spring it is getting greener and more and more colorful outside. Provide color ...

Weed killer for paving stones - title

Paving stones quickly secure paths and squares. Unfortunately, weeds can settle especially in the joints. Like these ...

Flower shapes - title

The countless flower shapes are just as diverse and unique as nature itself. No matter if slender panicles, ...

Red Headed Birds - Title

Red-headed birds is extremely distinctive. Some species that are native to us and reddish characteristics ...

Caterpillars in August - title

In August there are caterpillars of butterfly species that produce a spring and autumn generation. During this time, daytime ...

Leaf diseases on clematis - title

The clematis is one of the most popular climbing plants thanks to its colorful, plate-sized flowers. If there were ...

Distinguishing mice and rats - title

Although rats and mice are very similar in many ways, they are two completely different ...

Remove weeds from joints

Removing weeds from joints is a chore for many property owners. The right methods help ...

Birds with a red beak - title

A large number of different bird species live in Germany, including numerous birds with red bills. In this post ...

Black Headed Birds - Title

There are many native bird species. Some are brightly colored from head to toe. Other birds are monochrome ...

Aloe Vera leaves turn brown - title

The aloe vera is popular as a houseplant. It is considered robust and easy to care for and, with its blue-green leaves, is ...

Red Crested Birds - Title

Red-crested birds are not uncommon in this country. But how do the respective species differ and how can ...

Tree Killers - Title

Although in principle every tree has a right to an existence, it may be necessary in individual cases to ...

Expel mice in the attic - title

Chasing away mice in the attic can be very easy with the right tools and measures. What is it ...

Birds with a yellow head - title

The magnificent dress of birds is often very colorful, everything is represented up to yellow. Birds with ...