Three delicious variations briefly explained

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Option 1: Freeze the bananas in slices


The first step is to peel the desired number of bananas.
The following details are important:

  • ideal width: 2.5 to 5 centimeters
  • Use: smoothies, shakes

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For freezing, the separate arrangement on a baking sheet is recommended. After about 20 to 30 minutes, you can freeze the banana pieces together in a freezer bag.


  • Forcing air out of the bag before sealing.
  • Shelf life 3 to 4 months


The frozen pieces are processed directly into smoothies, ice creams or shakes. For baking, you should thaw the pieces.

Variant 2: Freeze the whole bananas


It is possible to freeze the banana with or without the peel. Unpeeled bananas keep in the freezer for around 3 to 4 months. Unpeeled, however, only 2 months. In addition, the latter have the disadvantage that the shell first has to be thawed again before being removed. In addition, the pulp becomes very mushy.

Unpeeled bananas are frozen separately on a baking sheet or tray. In the icy state, you can keep them together in a bag.

Variants with a shell can be placed immediately in a sturdy freezer bag in the freezer compartment. the The peel is colored quickly black. However, the light-colored flesh remains edible.


To prepare smoothies or ice cream, put the frozen banana straight into the blender. In combination with other ingredients (fruit and vegetables) numerous delicacies can be conjured up.

To bake, thaw the banana completely before processing.


Freezing with the peel is suitable for preparing banana bread (sliced ​​fruit), smoothies or ice cream. However, if the bananas are needed later in one piece, they have to be in the freezer without their peel.

Option 3: Freeze the banana puree


  • a long, overripe banana (250 milliliters)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice or
  • 1/4 teaspoon of ascorbic acid mixed with 1 teaspoon of water


In the first step, puree the peeled ones banana with a mixer. Alternatively, this works with the help of a fork. However, the banana puree should be very well processed overall.

While stirring constantly, add either lemon juice or ascorbic acid. When everything is well mixed, the banana puree is poured into a freezer bag. Small freezer boxes are a space-saving alternative.


  • at least 4 months


You can use the puree to prepare cold dishes in the frozen state. However, only the defrosted porridge can be used for baking and cooking.


Note the amount processed on the freezer container. This can only be determined later when it is thawed.

Tips & Tricks

These methods have proven themselves particularly with vegans in the raw food scene. Frozen bananas are a perfect base for vegan ice cream variations and other goodies.

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