Growing vegetables in the greenhouse

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For growing vegetables in the greenhouse, the simple and inexpensive ones can already be used small foil greenhouses make excellent use of them, although most of the time they are not even heated. A proper ventilation as well as air and soil thermometers are already sufficient for everyone in our part of the world common vegetables to raise successfully.

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Benefits of vegetables in the greenhouse

The fact that home-grown vegetables taste better than from the supermarket shelf is thanks to the fact that they are harvested when fully ripe and its characteristic flavors and essential vitamins are not due to long transport routes and weeks of storage loses. With constantly rising prices for many types of vegetables, growing them yourself also brings noticeable relief in the household budget.

With own vegetable cultivation three harvests a year

At least, it still has to be supplemented, both in heated and unheated greenhouses, if one knows and takes advantage of the optimal crop rotations. We know about it basically three typesthat have proven themselves over many years in the Central European latitudes:

  • Spring crops: ice cream, lettuce and lettuce, radish, kohlrabi and radishes;
  • Summer crops: peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, hot peppers, beans and eggplants;
  • Winter crops: cress, spoonwort, spinach, endive, Scheerkohl and radishes;

If there is heating, the spring planting of vegetables in the greenhouse can begin from mid-February, and in the cold house from the beginning of March.

Changing crop rotation ensures variety

As in the field, both cultural and Crop rotation also be taken into account. The different plant families do not unnecessarily burden the greenhouse floor and protect the vegetable plants from pest invasions and diseases. If the main crops are not always to be in the same place every year, that is shared It is best to set up the greenhouse in different plots, in which the vegetables are then planted with each other Hike new rearing. The targeted creation of mixed cultures has also proven itself.

Mixed cultivation of vegetables in the greenhouse

This means the planting different vegetables on a bed, either in rows or in groups. With good neighbors the available space can be better utilized and those who do it particularly skillfully will find their own with suitable helper plants Crop yields even increase.


Especially the owners of smaller ones Greenhouses(€ 60.76 at Amazon *) often tend to be very tightly planted in order to actually take advantage of every spot. Understandable, but it must be remembered that vegetables are isolated in the greenhouse, in short At intervals grows relatively quickly and the air circulation, as it occurs in nature, is missing. Therefore, it is better to allow somewhat larger planting distances in order to counteract harmful heat build-up in summer.